The 4th “Public Management, Public Finance and Government Accounting Interdisciplinary Forum” and “the 6th Symposium for Theory and Practice of Government Accounting Reform”


In order to further deepen the reform of government accounting, and promote scholars cooperation and practical innovation research among the field of public management, public finance and government accounting, the fourth “Public Management, Public Finance and Government Accounting International Forum for Interdisciplinary Research” and “sixth Government Accounting Reform Theory and Practice Seminar", sponsored by Government and Not-for-profit Organization Accounting Committee of Accounting Society of China and jointly hosted by both Renmin University of China and Beijing Normal University, is scheduled to be held in Beijing from May 16, 2015 to 17. Now we sincerely invite every expert and scholar to contribute actively to this seminar and matters related with this meeting are as follows:

1. Meeting theme: Theory and practice of government accounting reform
The topics include, but are not limited to
Research on the construction of government accounting system
Research on the coordination of government financial accounting and budget accounting
Research on the construction of government cost accounting system
Research on the docking of the budget accounting system and the budget management system

2. Research on government accounting standards
Research on the constitution of government accounting standards system
Research on general standards(Conceptual Framework)of government accounting
Research on government assets, liabilities and cost standards
Research on the optimization of fiscal system of administrative institution

3. Research on path and the driving force of implementation of government accounting reform
Research on the driving factors or the power of government accounting reform
Comparative research among countries on the path and power of government accounting reform
Research on the way of implementation of government accounting reform under Chinese Institutional Background

4. Research on the comprehensive financial report of the government
Research on comprehensive financial report based on accrual principle
Research on audit and disclose mechanism of government financial report
Research on analytical application system of government financial report
Research on information disclosure of local government debt
Research on the influence factors of supply and demand mechanism about government financial information
Government financial information disclosure and state governance

5. Research on management accounting of government and government-affiliated institutions
Research on government financial management and management accounting
Research on financial management and management accounting of hospitals, universities and other institutions
Research on governance and performance evaluation of hospitals, universities and other institutions

6.Introduction of experience on the preparation of comprehensive financial report by local government

Call-for-paper Matters
Deadline for soliciting papers: 15th, April 2015. The conference affair committee will select papers, and the acceptance announcements of papers will be sent to authors before 1st, May 2015.The matters like time and location about the conference also will be enclosed in this announcement.
The first page of your paper should include: topic (Chinese or English), name, work unit, title (position), contacts (cell phone number, fax, email, mail address and postcode)
The second page of your paper shall include: Chinese title, Chinese abstract, Chinese key words, all types of the above contents should be in Arial word No. 5; English title, English abstract, English key words, all types of the above contents should be in Times New Roman word No.10.
The contents of essays can be displayed in Chinese or English. Content and format of papers shall meet the requirements for issued papers on Accounting Research.
Papers shall be submitted as attachment in the form of the Word or PDF file by email, titled “Paper for Government Accounting Academic Annual Meeting”. Email for Submission:
Accepted papers will be published on the website of ASC and be recorded by “China Proceedings of Conference Full-text Database” of China Academic Journals (CD) Electronic Publishing House Co., Ltd. However, if author is unwilling to record their papers, please mark it on the submitted papers.

Contact Person
Business school, Renmin University of China 
Kangtao Ye: 010-82501750;
Economics and Business Management School, Beijing Normal University
Xuegang Cui: 010-58806599 ;

We are sincerely looking forward to your attending the meeting, communicating the topics about government accounting interdisciplinary innovation research together in Beijing!

Government and Not-for-profit Organization Accounting Special Committee, Accounting Society of China
Business School, Renmin University of China
Economics and Business Administration School, Beijing Normal University
11th March 2015