2015 Academic Annual Conference of Accounting Society of China


2015 Academic Annual Conference of Accounting Society of China, sponsored by the Education Division of Accounting Society of China and hosted by Accounting School of Harbin University of Commerce, will be held at the Harbin University of Commerce from 11th to 12th, July 2015. It is now calling for papers towards both accounting theoretical cycles and professional cycles. The conference theme, topics and call-for-paper matters are illustratedas follows:

1. ConferenceTheme

The theme for this conference is “Accounting Theoretical Research and Practiceunder the Background of a Comprehensive and In-depth Reform”.

2. Topics Selection of Submitted Papers

Theoretical Research and Practice on Financial Accounting

Theoretical Research and Practice on Management Accounting and Cost Accounting

Theoretical Research and Practice on Financial Management and Accounting Informatization

Theoretical Research and Practice on Auditing and Internal Control

Theoretical Research and Practice on Government Accounting, NGO Accountingand Accounting Education Development

3. Call-for-paper Matters

1. Deadline for soliciting papers: 10th, June 2015 (we use thedate when you sent the mail as a benchmark). Papers must be unpublished academicpapers. The conference affair committee will organize some experts toselect papers, and the announcement of accepted conference papers and the replyto application will be sent before 25th, June 2015. Types of conferencepapers include case studies, investigation research, field research, empiricalresearch, normative studies, best practices, etc. Language: both Chinese andEnglish are accepted.


2. Format Requirements for papers: Content and format of papers shall meetthe requirements for issued papers on “Accounting Research”. Personalinformation shall be listed on a separate sheet, which includes name, gender,title (position), work unit, mailing address, contact person, landline phone,mobile phone, fax and e-mail.


3. Submission methods: Papers shall be submitted in the type of WORD fileby email, which subjected as “Paper for 2015 Annual Conference of ASC” and thetitle of papers shall be named in the form of "first author name + papertitle", using A4 as the type of composing.


4. Email for Submission: hsdnhlw@126.com (First letter of “Ha Shang Da Nian Hui LunWen”)


5. Accepted papers will be published on the website of ASC and be recordedby “China Proceedings of Conference Full-text Database” of China AcademicJournals (CD) Electronic Publishing House Co., Ltd.


6. Contact Persons

Jinsong Zhang

Tel: 0451-84865093 13604800728

Email: kjxyzjs@163.com


Feng Gu

Tel: 0451-84892225 13936416637

Email: kjxygufeng@163.com

 Fax: 0451-84865093


The Education Divisionof Accounting Society of China

AccountingSchool, Harbin University of Commerce

15th,Jan 2015