Call for Papers: The Fourth Cross-Strait Academic Conference of Accounting----Accounting Standards, Internal Control and Corporate Governance


In order to facilitate and enrich the cross-strait communication of accounting theory and practice. The Fourth Cross-Strait Academic Conference of Accounting----Accounting Standards, Internal Control and Corporate Governance will be held on September 24-25, 2012 in Xiamen. The conference is co-sponsored by Finance Bureau of Xiamen (Institute for Cooperation and Communication with Taiwan), the Center for Accounting Studies, Accounting Department and Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies of Xiamen University and the Xiamen National Accounting Institute. We will invite the highly regarded scholars to deliver the keynote speech and discuss the accepted papers. We call for paper submissions to this conference.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. International Convergence of Accounting Standards

2. Internal Control and Capital Market

3. Management Accounting and Control

4. Risk Management and Auditing

Paper submitted to thesymposium should have creativity, clear ideas, full and accurate materials,canonical format of literature citing and noting, rigorous research methods,and the submitted paper should be the unpublished original research. Allsubmissions are subject to an anonymous review process. At the same time, theaccepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings and the full-textdatabase of China important dissertations published by Chinese academicjournals (cd-rom version). If No, please indicate in your paper. The symposiumwill select the best papers, and recommend it to the Contemporary AccountingReview, which founded by the Xiamen University, after getting the permissionfrom authors.

Paper submitted to the conference should include: (1) First page: title/author’s name/work units/means of communication (address, zip code, phone number, e-mail address);(2)Second page: title both in Chinese and English, abstract both in Chinese and English(about 300 words; illustrate the main content of the paper, important viewpoint and the academic innovation) and keywords; (3)Text page; (4)References. Working papers should indicate the corresponding author and contact information.

Paper submitted to the conference should be in Chinese (simplified) or English, please strict adherence to the format requirement of the Journal of Accounting Research (in Chinese), word-length of the submitted paper is about 15000 words (including figures, references, appendix and so on). Submission to the conference must be addressed by email on or before August 5, 2012. The format of filename is “author’s name-paper’s title”. Please indicate “The Fourth Cross-Strait Academic Conference of Accounting” in the mail subject. Please fill in the submission receipt, and put it in the cover page of your paper when submit your manuscript.
Deadline of the Submission: August 5, 2012(based on the date of email).Authors will be notified of their acceptance to the symposium by August 18, 2012. Please send the submission receipt to conference affairs before August 25, 2012.

Travelling Expense: the dining for the participates during the meeting is arranged by conference, the travel expense and accommodation fees will pay by participates themselves.
Email Address for submission:
Correspondence Address: Center for Accounting Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian
Zip code: 361005
Linkman: Miss Yingyu Yang, Prof. Feng Liu, Prof. Xiaohui Qu, Prof. Yuanlue FU
Phone number: 0592-2181523 Fax number: 0592-2181520
E-mail:            website: