The 2011 Annual Conference of China Journal of Accounting Research Ended Successfully


The2011 Annual Conference of China Journal of Accounting Research (abbreviation: CJAR) held in Xiamen University on 18-19 November 2011. This Annual meeting wasco-sponsored by Zhongshan University, the City University of Hong Kong andXiamen University. More than 100 experts and scholarsand doctoral students from universities in mainland China, Hong Kong and othersplaces attended the meeting.

Publishedby scientific literature publishing house called Elsevier, the world's largestpublisher, CJAR is the first English academic journal that devoted to publishthe Chinese accounting research papers over the world, co-founded by the CityUniversity of Hong Kong and the Zhongshan University in 2008 overseas. Itusually prevail operation in accordance with international publications mode. In 2011,CJAR issued 2 to 3 one year; from 2012, CJAR will be officially changed toQuarterly Journal, and strive to be selected as SSCI journals with 3 years orso.

Inthe opening ceremony, morning of November 18th,the organizers Professor MinghaiWei from Zhongshan University, Professor Xijia Su from China and EuropeInternational Business School (CEIBS) and Professor Feng Liu from XiamenUniversity gave a welcome speech to this academic annual meeting of CJAR . Subsequently,sponsors of CJAR 5th Annual Meeting-Hong Kong Society of Accountants, Mr. TommyWong gave a speech. They all expressed their gratitude and expectations to the academiccounterparts for their continuing support for this magazine CJAR. Infact, in mid-year, CJAR usually held WORKSHOP in Hong Kong once, coupled withannual Congress (now continued 5th), which has become an influential platformfor academic exchanges.

Theagenda of this meeting mainly included two parts: the thematic reports andpapers presentations and comments. On the theme report onNovember 18 morning, Professor Bohong Fan from Chinese University of Hong Kongmade a keynote speech "family business research,". Inthe one hour report, he systematically combed his years of research experienceon the family business. He also noted that stick withdoing family business in future may result in a classic paper. Healso encouraged researchers to look at the facts, notdirectly write papers or model. Coming from reality wasthe key to come up with a good topic and understanding the reality willcontribute to writing a good article. At the annual meeting,after multiple reviewing, 8 papers were finally selected, including threeEnglish papers and five Chinese papers. Topics covereddividend, corporate finance, venture capital, executive compensation,government auditing and banking loans and so on. In the one day and ahalf meeting, eight authors from Chinese University of Hong Kong, Xi'anJiaotong University, Zhongnan University, Chongqing University, BeijingUniversity of Science and Technology, Zhongshan University, Nanjing Universityof Finance and the Central University of Finance made wonderful reports. Toensure the quality of the papers, the annual meeting has invited domesticwell-known foreign scholars as commentators, given reporters and commentators enoughtime to report and discuss. Because authors can report thesisin detail, leaving enough time to commentators and other scholars fordiscussion, so that scholars participated in discussions very actively. CJARreviews traditionally are classic. Looking over domestic meetings, virtually nosuch well-known scholars will make comments paper in detail. Thecomments of Professor Shimin Chen, Professor Zhen Li, Professor Yuan Ding,Professor Heng Yue and Professor Zhihong Chen were meaningful and useful, bothfor the author or participants.

Onone hand, the purpose of convening CJAR Annual Conference is to collectmasterpiece for CJAR. To ensure quality of the papers, from collection to finalhiring, conference papers should generally go through 2-3 rounds of anonymousreviews of experts. On the other hand, annualmeetings held regularly but not in a fixed location, aimed at gathering thedomestic and international like-minded counterparts, experts and scholars, providinga platform to explore common research questions of Chinese accounting, enhancingthe international influence of Chinese accounting research. In March 2012,Annual Conference of CJAR will be held in Shanghai, then, Zhongshan Universityand the City University of Hong Kong together with CEIBS will dedicate and awonderful academic event for CJAR.