The 207th Finance and Accounting Academic Forum


Time:June 8th 2015 (Monday) 14:30-17:30

Location: Room 503, Jiageng 2

Moderator:Jinshuai Hu, Associate Professor of IFAS

Topic:Critical Evaluation of “Business Strategy, Economic Growth, and Earnings Quality”

Presenter: In-Mu Haw, J. Vaughnand Evelyne H. Wilson Professor of Business and Professor of Accounting, TexasChristian University


Using Miles and Snow’s (1978, 2003) strategy typology, two recent studies (Bentley,Omer, and Sharp, CAR 2013; Houqe, Kerr, Monem, and Zijl, TIJA Symposium 2015)investigate whether companies’ business strategies (a prospector strategy thatfocuses on product innovation vs. a defender strategy that focuses on costcontrol and efficiency) influence the quality of financial reporting. Bothstudies identify that business strategy is an important determinant offinancial reporting quality. However, while the former finds that prospectorsexperience financial reporting irregularities, suggesting lower quality offinancial reports, the latter documents that prospectors experience moreconservative earnings and less earnings management, implying higher quality ofearnings. The seminar will compare the two seemingly contradictory studies andcritically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, including the incentives andopportunities associated with business strategies, appropriate measures ofconservatism and earnings quality, endogeneity concern, and other researchdesign issues. If time allows, the seminar will also discuss general issuesrelated to research and publication.

Personal Profile:

Professor Haw is J.Vaughn and Evelyne H. Wilson Professor of Business and Professor of Accounting from Neeley Business School of Texas Christian University, and the vice-editor of The International Journal of AccountingTIJA.Professor Haw’s research areas include corporate governance, dividend policy, maket valuation of financial repor, financial analysts, accounting earnings quality, auditing and tax research in captial marketof developed and developing countries. He has published more than 40 papers on international authoriative journals related with finance and accounting, of which more than ten papers published on the top five journals, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Journal of Accountingand Economics, Review of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting ResearchHe used to act as visiting professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University and Macao University and taught EMBA,MBA,Ph.D.,Mphil and other programs at well-known colleges of Americ, Europe and Asia, such as Peking University,Central European Business School, the Yangtze River Business School. Professor Haw won research and teaching awards several times including Executive MBA Outstanding Professor Award (eight times),Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Scholar (three times),Deans’ Teaching Award, Deans’ Research Award, Alumni Professor of the YearAward, Vernon K. Zimmerman Outstanding Paper Award, and Rintaro Aoki Outstanding Paper Award.