No. | Title | Author | Journal | Issue |
1 | Product Market Power and The Forecasting Behavior of Financial Analysts | Xin, L., and H. Chen | Review of Investment Studies | 2014.02 |
2 | Client Importance, Audit Risk and Auditor Reporting Decision | Hu, N., and H. Chen | Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics | 2014.06 |
3 | Chairperson of the Board of Directors: Personality, Compensation and Internal Control | Chen, H., and W. Wang | Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences) | 2014.02 |
4 | Does “Free Lunch” Damage Audit Quality ? | Du, X., and W. Feng | Friends of Accounting | 2014.07 |
5 | Voluntary Audit, Corporate Governance and Agency Costs | Du, X. | Journal of University of Jiangxi Finance and Economics | 2014.03 |
6 | An Empirical Study on the Financial Accelerator Effect of Negative Reports on Product----Case of Spillover Effect of Sanlu Milk Powder Public Scandal | Qu, Y., Y. Du, and Y. Fu | East China Economic Management | 2014.01 |
7 | Does the Semi-mandatory Dividend Policy Create Value for Investors----An Event Study from the Perspective of Market Liquidity | Li, M., C. Li, and Z. Wei | Journal of University of Shanxi Finance and Economics | 2014.06 |
8 | Do Chinese Listed Firms Follow Stable Dividend Policy---- Empirical Analysis based on Dynamic Panel Data | Li, M., C. Li, and Z. Wei | Journal of University of Shanxi Finance and Economics | 2014.03 |
9 | The Implication of Fair Value In China——Evidence from Data of Four Industries in A-share Listed Companies | Zhang, G., and X. Qu | Friends of Accounting | 2014.03 |
10 | Dividend, Liquidity and Firm Valuation: Evidence from China AB Share Markets | Li, M., Z. Cui, and C. Li | Applied Financial Economics | 2014.03 |
11 | Clients, Suppliers’ Network and M&A Benefits | Lang, X., Z. Peng, and C. Li | Journal of University of Shanxi Finance and Economics | 2014.08 |
12 | The Semi-mandatory Dividend Rules and Dividend Behaviors of Chinese Listed Firms | Wei, Z., M. Li, and C. Li | Economic Research Journal | 2014.06 |
13 | Media Coverage and the efficiency of IPO Pricing: Based on the Perspective of Information Asymmetry and Behavior Finance | Xiong, Y., C. Li, and Z. Wei | The Journal of World Economics | 2014.05 |
14 | The M&A Benefits: From the Aspect of Industrial Network | Lang, X., Z. Peng, and C. Li | Morden Mangement Science | 2014.08 |
15 | Internal Control,Integration Ability and Performance in Merger and Acquisition----Empirical evidence from Chinese Listed Firms | Yang, D., C. Zhang, and H. Chen | Auditing Research | 2014.03 |
16 | Internal Control Quality and Corporate Bank Credit Loan Cost | Chen, H. and Z. Zhou | Finance & Accounting | 2014.03 |
17 | Negative Press Coverage,Litigation risk and Audit Fees | Liu Q., H. Li, C. Zhao, Y. Liao, and H. Chen | Accounting Research | 2014.06 |
18 | Internal Control, Investor Sentiment and Earnings Reaction | Zhang, C., and H. Chen | Economic Issues in China | 2014.07 |
19 | Political Connection, Accounting Information and the Banks’ loan allocation efficiency—Empirical Evidence from Chinese Private Listed Firms | Yang, D., H. Pan, and H. Chen | Review of Investment Studies | 2014.07 |
20 | Research on the Effect of Equity incentive—An Analysis Based on Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets | Feng, X., and S. Chen | Morden Mangement Science | 2014.02 |
21 | The Wealth Effect of Equity Incentive Plan on Shareholders | Feng, X., and S. Chen | Morden Mangement Science | 2014.03 |
22 | Family Control, Managerial Ownership and Accounting Information Quality | Lin, B., S. Chen, and Y. Wu | Journal of University of Jiangxi Finance and Economics | 2014.04 |
24 | Institutional Environment, Management Power and Earnings Management | He, S., S. Chen, and Q. Yu | Journal of University of Tianjin Finance and Economics | 2014.10 |
25 | The Reaction to Anti-Dumping: A “Internal &External” Double Control Model to Export Enterprises | Li, M., and S. Chen | Finance and Accounting Monthly | 2014.11 |
26 | Is Corporate Philanthropy Used as Environmental Misconduct Dressing? Evidence from Chinese Family-owned Firms | Du, X | Journal of Business Ethics | 2014.04 |
27 | How the Market Values Green washing? Evidence from China | Du, X | Journal of Business Ethics | 2014.03 |
28 | Media Coverage, Institutional Environment and Stock Price Crash Risk | Du, X | Accounting Research | 2014.09 |
29 | Are Banks Really Able to Detect Earnings Management?:Empirical Evidence Based on the Bank Loan Contracts | Liu, W., and X. Qu | Journal of Accounting and Economics | 2014.04 |
30 | The Value Relevance of Analysts Recommendation,Investor Sentiment and Fair Value Recognition : Evidence from Financial Assets Available for Sale of Listed Firms in China | Huang, L., and X. Qu | Accounting Research | 2014.07 |
31 | On the Motivations and Determinants of the Selection of Investment Property Measurement Mode: Empirical Evidence from Chinese A-Share Market | Zhang, R., X. Qu, and G. Zhang | Contemporary Accounting Review | 2014.07 |
32 | A Devoted Scholar Free From Material Temptations | Qu, X | Finance & Accounting | 2014.10 |
33 | Related Party Transaction, Capital Structure and Earnings management :Evidence from Chinese A-Share Market | Wang, J., and X. Qu | Journal of University of Shanxi Finance and Economics | 2014.12 |
34 | Exploration : Comprehensively Deepening Reform-based Approach to Government Accounting Reform | Zhang, G., and J. Li | Accounting Research | 2014.11 |
35 | Fiscal Centralization,Government Control and Corporate Tax Burden ----Evidence from China | Liu, J., and F. Liu | Accounting Research | 2014.01 |
36 | A Study of Motivations for Listed Firms' to Terminate Stock Option Incentive Plans | Liu, F., and X. Feng | Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences) | 2014.05 |
37 | The Governance Roles of Margin Trading: A Perspective of Earnings Management | Chen, H., and F. Liu | Accounting Research | 2014.09 |
38 | Social Responsibility Pricing in Corporate Bond Market | Xiao, H., and M. Xiao | Morden Mangement Science | 2014.02 |
39 | The Effects of R&D Investment on Monetary Policies----Empirical Evidence from A-share Listed Companies | Xiao, H., and M. Xiao | Morden Mangement Science | 2014.03 |
40 | The Emerging Market Investors’ bias: Cash Dividends or Capital Gains? —Empirical Evidence from Chinese A-share Stock Market | Xiao, H., M. Xiao, and S. Chen | Morden Mangement Science | 2014.04 |
41 | An Analysis and Design to the Internal Control System of Asset Inventory | Li, J | Times Finance | 2014.06 |