No. | Title | Author | Journal | Issue |
1 | Product Market Competition, Competitive Position and Audit Fee—Based on the Perspectives of Agency Cost and Corporation Risk | Xing, L., and H. Chen | Auditing Research | 2013.03 |
2 | Concentration of Managerial Power, Internal Control and the Quality of Accounting Information | Liu, Q., L. Luo,Y. Zhang, and H. Chen | Nankai Business Review | 2013.01 |
3 | Research on the Causes of and the solution to “Recruitment Difficulty---Taking Firm D in Fujian Province as Example | Peng, Q., and S. Chen | Morden Mangement Science | 2013.05 |
4 | The Regulatory of the Director Board and Earnings management —Evidence From Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets | Peng, Q., and S. Chen | Morden Mangement Science | 2013.02 |
5 | The Concept of Collaborative Risk Report Framework of Corporation Structure | Chen, S., and Y. Li | Morden Mangement Science | 2013.05 |
6 | The Design of Framework Construction of Internal Control System of Listed Firms | Chen, S., and Q. Peng | Morden Mangement Science | 2013.09 |
7 | Research on the Information Disclosure of the Financial Derivative Risk of Listed Firms | Chen, S., and Y. Li | Morden Mangement Science | 2013.10 |
8 | A Analysis of the Risk Evolution of China SMEs—From the perspective of Game Theory | Chen, S.,and H. Chen | Research on Development | 2013.02 |
9 | The Cost of Debt Capital and the Dynamic Modification of Capital Structure---Based on the Perspective of Marketization Differences | Chen, S., H. Chen,and A. Chen | Journal of Auditing & Economics | 2013.06 |
10 | The Analysis Framework of Strategy Risk---From the aspect of Dynamic Capability | Chen, S.,and H. Chen | Productive Research | 2013.01 |
11 | Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Polluting Industries: Does Religion Matter? | Du, X. | Journal of Business Ethics | 2013.09 |
12 | Religion, the Nature of Ultimate Owner, and Corporate Philanthropic Giving: Evidence from China | Du, X. | Journal of Business Ethics | 2013.08 |
13 | Does Religion Mitigate Tunneling? Evidence from Chinese Buddhism | Du, X. | Journal of Business Ethics | 2013.11 |
14 | Issuance Examination Committee Connections, Hidden Rule and Resource Allocation Efficiency of IPO Market | Du, X., S. Lai, and Y. Du. | Journal of Financial Research | 2013.03 |
15 | The Economic Consequences of Abnormal Leave of Board Secretaries of IPO Firms; Empirical Evidence From China Capital Market | Du, X., W. Feng, and H. Pei | Review of Investment Studies | 2013.08 |
16 | Firm-bank Relationship, Political Connection and Bank Loan—Empirical Evidence From Chinese Private Listed Firm | Du, Y., and X. Du | Contemporary Accounting Review (In Chinese) | 2013.02 |
17 | Political Connection, Compensation Gap and Compensation Stickiness-- Empirical Evidence From Chinese Private Listed Firm | Zhang, Y., W. Feng, and X. Du | Review of Investment Studies | 2013.06 |
18 | Does Political Connection Increase the Internal Compensation Gap in Private Listed Firm? | Du, X., W. Feng, and Y. Du. | Review of Investment Studies | 2013.02 |
19 | Analyzing the Effect of Collaborative Cost Management in Supply Chain by Case-Based Reasoning | Fu, Y. | Journal of Software | 2013.02 |
20 | Why do Firms incline to Conservative Capital Structure?--- Empirical Evidence to assist the Financial Softy Theory | Zeng, A., Y. Fu, and L. Liang | Journal of Business Economics | 2013.06 |
21 | The Empirical Analysis of the Shock Effect of Bad News of Product---Making The Jiugui Wine as Example | Qu, Y., Y. Du, and Y. Fu | East China Economic Management | 2013.10 |
22 | Do Management Compensation Incentives Reflect Allocation Justice? | Tan, Y., Y. Fu, and J. Yang | Journal of Finance and Economics (In Chinese) | 2013.08 |
23 | Portfolio Credit Risk Measure—the Convergence Between Factor Model and Copula Method | Y. Zhang, and Y. Fu | Morden Mangement Science | 2013.07 |
24 | The Economic Analysis of Financial Accounting Definition | Ge, J., F. Ye, X. Feng, and J. Gao | Accounting Research | 2013.06 |
25 | Discuss on the Accounting Object, Function and Goal | Ge, J., and J. Gao | Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences) | 2013.02 |
26 | The Relation Between Unamortized Cost and Historical Cost, Fair Value | Ge, J., and J. Gao | Journal of Nanjing Audit University | 2013.01 |
27 | A Web based Virtual Lab for Accounting Skills Practice | Guo, X. | Journal of Digital Information Management | 2013.02 |
28 | Research on Family Firms: A analysis of Reference Measure | Li, C. | China Economic Quaterly | 2013.10 |
29 | A Study on Disclosure Strategy of Management Performance of M&A Firms | Li, C., and M. Teng | Review of Investment Studies | 2013.05 |
30 | Research on the Arrangement of Equity Refinance Behavior of Listed Firms—The Arrangement of Price, Amount and Policy | Lang, X., and Li, C. | Securies Market Herald | 2013.07 |
31 | The Issue of Financial Regulatory and Accounting Specification of Local Government Financing Platforms | Li, J., and K. Lin | Financial Accounting | 2013.08 |
32 | Institutional Pressure, Reacting Strategies and Environment Information Disclosure | Xiao, H., J. Li, and G. Zhang | Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences) | 2013.03 |
33 | Political connection and privatization: Evidence from China | Liu, F. | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy | 2013.03 |
34 | Discussion: Capital Structure | Liu, F. and F. Ye | Finance and Accounting Monthly | 2013.01 |
35 | Bank Supervision and Discrimination---From the perspective of Accounting Conservatism | Cheng, L., and F. Liu | Accounting Research | 2013.01 |
36 | Capitalization of R&D Expenditures: Real Signals Transport or Earnings Management | Li, L., X. Qu, and H. Xiao | Journal of Auditing & Economics | 2013.01 |
37 | Investor Sentiment,Assets Securitization and Fair Value Information Content: Empirical Evidence from PE Firm IPO Approval Notices on Chinese A - Share Stock Market | Qu, X., and L. Huang | Accounting Research | 2013.09 |
38 | Discussion: Explore Accounting Reform in High Level and its relative Policies----Also discuss the Benefit of Accounting Reform | Wu, S. | Friends of Accounting | 2013.09 |
39 | Earnings Pricing of R&D Investment Companies and the Study Effect of Investors---Empirical Evidence From Chinese Listed Firms | Xiao, H. | Friends of Accounting | 2013.01 |
40 | State-owned Bank Loan and Stock Price Synchronicity | Wang, Y., and L. Yu | Friends of Accounting | 2013.07 |
41 | Does Business Bank Demand for Accounting Information Conservatism of Listed Firms? | Yu, L., and Y. Wang | Review of Investment Studies | 2013.06 |
42 | Internal Control Quality, Earnings Persistence and Firm Value | Xiao, H., and G. Zhang | Accounting Research | 2013.05 |
43 | Does Voluntary Audit on Internal Control Increase Firms’ Audit Fee? | Zhang, G. | Economic Management Journal | 2013.05 |