Xiamen-Osaka Joint Research Forum
Feng LIU Center for Accounting Studiess/Department of Accounting,XMU | Naohiro Urasaki Bussiness School of Kindai University |
This Forum will bring together international scholars to present high quality research on accounting, auditing and governance. We especially focus on comparative study on accounting related topics in Japan and Mainland China.
Xiamen-Osaka Joint Research Forum will be held in Xiamen University on November 8, 2019. The Center for Accounting Studies of Xiamen University,the Department of Accounting,School of Management of Xiamen University, and kindai University will co-sponsor this event. We welcome papers in any academic field within accounting, the topics may include, but not limit to the following:
1. Comparative study of accounting education and its evolution in Japan and Mainland China;
2. Comparative study of accounting standards and IFRS application in Japan and Mainland China.
3. Culture and its impact on accounting, auditing and governance.
4. Management accounting and its latest development both in Japan and in Mainland China.
We invite research paper submissions from scholars and graduate students (especially doctoral students). Papers submitted for the Forum should contain unpublished original research. All submissions are subject to a double-blind review process.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 9th October 2019 (email sending date);
Notification of Acceptence: 20th October 2019 by Email;
Conference Attendance RSVP: 20th October 2019.
Submission Email Address and Contact
Submission Email Address: indicate for add ‘Xiamen-Osaka-Xiamen confernece’ in your email subject).
For enquiries, please contact MsYang at 86-0592-2181523.
Program Agenda
7 Nov.: Registration and introduction
8 Nov.: Confernece sessions