Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics Doctoral Consortium 2012

信息来源: 发布时间:2011年07月26日

The Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics proudly announces a Symposium to be held at the campus of Monash University Sunway Campus (MUSC), Malaysia from January 6-7, 2012. The Symposium comprises a research forum, corporate governance practitioners’ forum, plenary paper presentations as well as a selection of quality refereed papers in concurrent paper sessions.  In addition, there is also a Doctoral Consortium, to be held on 5 January as a prelude to the JCAE Symposium 2012. The purpose of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide doctoral students with an opportunity to interact with internationally acclaimed scholars in accounting and finance and to facilitate scholarly exchange between them.  Professor Dan A. Simunic of University of British Columbia, Professor Eli Bartov of New York University, Professor Agnes Cheng of Louisiana State University and other leading researchers in their own fields will speak to the doctoral students. To encourage participation, we will subsidise twenty (20) doctoral students to attend the Consortium. The subsidy will include the following: i)             Accommodation for three nights in Malaysia (to be arranged by us); ii)           Airport transfers and ground transportation to Consortium and Symposium venue; iii)         Waiver of the registration fee for the Consortium; and iv)          Waiver of the registration fee for the JCAE Symposium (not inclusive of cocktail dinner and official Symposium dinner to be held on evening of January 6-7 respectively) The students attending the Consortium may also have the opportunity to discuss dissertation topics with the Consortium speakers. We are inviting distinguished scholars such as yourself to nominate doctoral candidates in either accounting or finance to participate in the Consortium, and JCAE Symposium 2012.  Such nomination(s) should be accompanied by the nominee’s or nominees’ dissertation abstract(s).     We will be grateful if you could let me have your nominations by October 3, 2011.  Please submit your nominations by email to Ms Theresa Tam at  Successful nominees will be notified by November 1, 2011. Enclosed please find the brochure for the JCAE Symposium and the Doctoral Consortium. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information. You can also refer to the Doctoral Consortium website, for more information. Yours sincerely Professor Ferdinand A. Gul Co-Chair JCAE Symposium 2012 附件:JCAE 2012_Invitation to Doctoral Consortium
附件:JCAE 2012_Call for Paper_Final