Faculty Positions in Finance

信息来源: 发布时间:2007年07月18日

XIAMEN UNIVERSITY AT XIAMEN, CHINA Institute for Financial & Accounting Studies Faculty Positions in Finance Institute for Financial & Accounting Studies, Xiamen University at Xiamen, China, invites applications to fill one to two full-time positions in finance at either the Assistant or Associate Professor Level. The positions are all for three academic years and subject to renewal. Selection will be based on potential for publications in reputable finance journals.       JOB DESCRIPTION/QUALIFICATIONS: Primary duties include teaching one course per semester and writing research papers publishable in reputable international academic journals. Salary and research support are competitive. Candidates for the Assistant Professor position should have a Ph.D. in Finance or Financial Economics (or be very close to completion) with the potential to develop a sustainable research program coupled with demonstrated ability to teach at the university level. Candidates for the Associate Professor position should have a minimum of three years of full-time college/university teaching at the rank of Assistant Professor in addition to the requirements for the Assistant Professor position set above.       APPLICATION PROCEDURE: A letter of application with an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a statement of specific research and teaching interests, summaries of teaching evaluations (if available), and three letters of reference should be sent via email before September 30, 2007 to: Ms Cindy Xie, Secretary to Recruiting Committee Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, P. R. China Tel: 86-592-2187763, Fax: 86-592-2181787 E-mail:xy3388@xmu.edu.cn Representatives from the Institute for Financial & Accounting Studies will attend 2007 FMA Annual meeting and will be happy to meet with potential applicants.