Xiamen, China 13-14 July 2006 About the Conference This is the 6th annual academic conference on accounting and finance co-organized by the Center for Accounting Studies, Department of Accounting, and Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies, Xiamen University, China. We cordially invite you to attend the conference which will be held on the main campus of Xiamen University on 13-14 July 2006 in Xiamen, China. About the Location Xiamen, known as international garden city on the sea and successful Special Economic Zone in China, has the best weather, the cleanest air, beautiful beaches and gardens, and a unique marriage of traditional Chinese, European colonial and modern architecture, and is the third fastest growing economy in the country. About the Organizers Xiamen University was founded in 1921 by the overseas Chinese leader Tan Kah Kee, and is one of the key comprehensive universities directly affiliated with the Ministry of Education (MOE). The university has 3 campuses, 18 colleges and more than 30,000 enrollment of full-time students. It also has more than 70 institutes to conduct quality research. Center for Accounting Studies is a national key institute designated by MOE in 2000, co-sponsored by the Department of Accounting Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Xiamen University. It receives annual funding and strict administration from the MOE, and is directly under the jurisdiction of Xiamen University. Department of Accounting is one of the best accounting departments in China. In fact, it was the national top discipline in accounting according to a recent official ranking. It successfully provides the undergraduate, master and Ph.D. programs. The Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies is a newly established national key research base designated by MOE in 2005 to pursue quality research with international standards. It also offers research-oriented courses to graduate students. Call for Paper The 6th annual academic conference intends to address a broad range of topics in Accounting Standards. The topics suggested but not limited are as follows: 1.Accounting Standards Theory; 2.Conceptual Framework of Financial Accounting; 3.Legal Issues in Accounting Standards and Reporting; 4.International Convergence of China Accounting Standards; 5.Comparison of IFRS and China Accounting Standards; 6.Experiences and Lessons of Accounting Standards Setting in Transitional Economies; 7.Accounting Standards Codification; 8.Accounting Standards and Corporate Governance. Manuscripts previously published or already accepted for publications must not be submitted. All submissions are subject to a double-blind review process by experienced international referees. Submission Guidelines Each submission should include a separate title page listing: paper title, author’s name, title and position, affiliation, mailing address and E-mail address. If the paper has more than one author, please indicate the “corresponding author”. All contacts will be made with that author. Electronic copy in MS WORD format is strongly recommended. The conference will distribute the conference proceedings with full text papers or the abstracts only for the participants. The deadline for paper submission is 1 May 2006. Authors will be noticed of results by 30 May 2006. Submissions should be made in the form of a complete paper. Please email the soft copy or send via air mail three hard copies of full papers. All correspondence and submissions please send to: Co-chair: Prof. Xiaohui QU Center for Accounting Studies Xiamen University Xiamen, Fujian P. R. China, 361005 Tel: (86)592-2181172,2181523 Fax:(86)592-2181520 Email:xhqu@xmu.edu.cn http://cas.xmu.edu.cn Co-chair: Prof. Yuanlue FU Center for Accounting Studies Xiamen University Xiamen, Fujian P. R. China, 361005 Tel: (86)592-2186201,2181523 Fax:(86)592-2181520 Email:ylfu@xmu.edu.cn http://cas.xmu.edu.cn Registration and Additional Information Conducted Language: Chinese / English Registration Fees: RMB600 or US$70 which covers all meals and conference materials Registration Deadline: 15 June, 2006 Accommodation: We can arrange for accommodation on campus on behalf of participants. The participants can select the hotels ranged from the University Guest House to four stars hotels on their own cost. The standard room prices are approximately US$25 to US$180+service charge. We will provide detailed hotel information in the notice of paper acceptance. Keynote Speaker: Katherine Schipper, FASB member
Keynote Speaker: C. S. Agnes Cheng, University of Houston