CALL FOR PAPERS Accounting Education: an international journal Themed Issue on Teaching Resources in Accounting and Finance From time to time, Accounting Education: an international journal receives submissions which take the form of teaching resources rather than papers reporting on the results of educational research. While some of these submissions have been of publishable quality, others have displayed a number of common weaknesses. These include: • the material being largely descriptive, usually taking the form of a resource that is used by the author(s) in teaching but with little associated discussion; • little in the way of contextualisation; • a lack of linkage to literature in order to draw out the difficulties associated with the area and to explain the approach adopted; and • little evaluation of the effectiveness of the teaching resource in use. In 2008, Accounting Education: an international journal plans to publish a themed issue dedicated to Teaching Resources in Accounting and Finance in order to address these deficiencies. The themed issue will be edited by Catriona Paisey (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK). AE’s usual editorial policies will apply. In order to increase the utility of the submissions, readers will be able to reproduce the resources for use in their own teaching. The Editorial team is grateful to the publishers (Taylor & Francis) for permitting this. Published papers can be reproduced in accordance with the following policy: It is the policy of Accounting Education: an international journal to allow subscribers to reproduce such material which appears in the Teaching Resources section of the Journal, without charge, for their own lecturing and classroom purposes. This agreement is based on the understanding that any copies made cannot be offered for sale or distributed in any systemic way and provided that acknowledgement to prior publication in Accounting Education: an international journal is made explicit. Submissions for the themed issue are invited which include both: 1. A teaching resource in a format suitable for reproduction without modification 2. Accompanying teaching notes. While less formal than other papers published in the journal, the teaching notes should include (but need not be limited to): o a section contextualising the notes, providing details such as: the title and nature of the degree programme; module title and level; details of assessment; national context and any other details that would help to inform the reader, as appropriate; o the educational rationale for the development of the resource being discussed; o references to appropriate literature (not necessarily confined to accounting education literature) explaining, for example, aspects of the topic, areas of student difficulty or need and the educational rationale for the choice of format; o a critique of the resource being discussed, including sufficiently rigorous evaluation by, for example, students and/or other educators, or as evidenced by improved performance; and o suggestions for utilisation by other educators. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2007, although earlier submissions will be accepted. Submissions in hard copy format or electronically (Word files only) can be made to: Professor Catriona Paisey, Division of Accounting and Finance, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA, UK. (Fax: ++44 (0) 141-331-3171 ; e-mail: