Xiamen University Xiamen, China Director and Faculty Positions in Research Institute of Finance and Accounting Xiamen University has more than 80 years long history in education of Finance and Accounting. Currently, Xiamen University has been ranked number one in Mainland China in Accounting for a long time and ranked number three in Business administration and Management as a whole in the recent evaluation. Base on this impressive reputation, The Ministry of Education of China recently decided to build up the Research Institute of Finance and Accounting as a national key research base which has been given the hope to catch up with the first class of the world in the field. The Xiamen University cordially invites applications and nominations for eminent scholars to join our faculty. We are now looking for one Director as the first holder of directorship, two Chair Professors and 10 Research Fellows with the following yearly starting compensation: Director of the Research Institute—Accounting or Finance Renminbi Yuan 1,000,000 Chair Professor—Accounting Renminbi Yuan 800,000 Chair Professor—Finance Renminbi Yuan 800,000 Research Fellow—Accounting, Finance or Business law Renminbi Yuan 150,000 GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS: Research in Accounting and Finance at Xiamen University covers the full spectrum of the discipline. Applications are welcome from suitably qualified people able to demonstrate successful research achievement and the potential for quality development in any of the discipline's major research areas. Candidates must also be capable of contributing to the faculty of accounting and finance. The Director position demands a record of publications in internationally leading journals and the ability to provide both academic leadership and administration skills. The Chair Professor positions demand a good record of publications in internationally respected journals and the ability to provide academic leadership. The Research Fellow position requires a PhD degree or a suitable quality of published research. PERSON SPECIFICATITIAON FOR DIRECTOR The university seeks to appoint an individual who has academic administrative experience or extensive research experience as a full or associate professor and who hold an earned doctorate in Accounting or Finance or related area from the leading universities. PERSON SPECIFICATITION FOR CHAIR PROFESSOR Candidates for Chair Professor should hold a Ph.D. in accounting or related area and has extensive research experience. PERSON SPECIFICATITION FOR RESEARCH FELLOW We are interested in hiring Research Fellows who hold an earned doctorate in Accounting or Finance or related area. JOB DESCRIPTION The positions are all for the 2005-2008 academic years and are subject to renewal for a further three year contract. They are full time jobs, namely, at least work on job for ten months a year. Primary duties include teaching a course per year and writing some papers with international academic standard. The Director’ charge will be to initiate the international visibility and academic excellence of the Institute. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Electronic applications are encouraged (MS Word preferred) to include a cover letter responsive to this position announcement, with a full curriculum vita and the names of three references. These should be sent to: Mrs. Shuhua Li School of Management Xiamen University Xiamen, 361005 P. R. China Tel: 86-592-2186778,2187085 Fax: 86-592-2187289 E-mail:glws@xmu.edu.cn For more detailed information please see our website: http://rsc.xmu.edu.cn