International Research Conference for Accounting Educators Bordeaux 2005 29-30 September 2005, Bordeaux, France IAAER (International Association for Accounting Education and Research) AFC (Association Francophone de Comptabilité) THIRD CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline for submission : 31 March 2005 The 2005 international conference, co-organized by the IAAER and the AFC, will be held at the end of September 2005 in Bordeaux. Bordeaux is situated on the south west of France, in the province of Aquitaine. The conference will be hosted at the University of Bordeaux (Institute of Management). Papers are called for in the wider area of Accounting, including all related disciplines: - Financial Accounting - Auditing and Internal Auditing - Financial Management - Taxation - Auditing - Accounting Education and Training - Information Systems and Computer Auditing - Accounting Education - Corporate Governance - Accounting History - Public Sector and Nonprofit Accounting - Social and Environmental Accounting Papers, with your full details and the specific title of the paper, conforming to the criteria for submission requirements, must be sent before 31 March 2005 with the submission procedure available on the website of the conference : Click on : ‘Submission of the full papers’. Replies for acceptance will be sent back on 1st June 2005 latest. Organizing Committee : Prof S. Evraert (Chairman), S. Trébucq (Co-Chairman) and C. Prat dit Hauret (Treasurer) Center for International Accounting and Control, IAE de Bordeaux, 35, Place Pey-Berland, 33076 Bordeaux Cedex France, Tel.: +33(0)5 56 00 45 67, Fax: +33(0)5 56 51 73 38, E-mail : Note: Refereed papers will be judged and the winner will be awarded with a cash prize. Full criteria for submission provided on page 2. Page 1 Papers (electronic format), with your full details and the specific title of the paper, conforming to the requirements on this page, must be sent with the submission procedure available on the website of the conference : Click on : ‘Submission of the full papers’ CRITERIA FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Manuscripts should be of a sufficient academic standard and should add value to society, whether it be society in general or the accounting educator environment. Objectivity is very important and proper references and bibliographies should be provided. The paper should provide new input for the subject. 1. Manuscripts must be written in French or English, must be typed double spaced and should not exceed 25 pages, neither should it exceed 20-25 minutes of presentation time. The E-mail attachment should be submitted in MS Word 97 or 2000. 2. All manuscripts are submitted by email to the congress organizing committee. 3. Manuscripts must include an abstract of not more than 150 words, and up to ten keywords. Manuscripts must be free of any identification of the author(s), affiliations, and acknowledgements. A separate sheet (also a separate electronic document) should include the title, affiliation, contact address, phone number, fax, e-mail address, the discipline and any appropriate acknowledgements. 4. Manuscripts should be double-spaced. Authors are requested to use a 12 point easily legible font (Times New Roman), and margins should be at least 2.5 cm. or 1" all round. 5. Manuscripts must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. A letter to this effect should be addressed to the organizing committee and attached to the submission. 6. All international papers will be in the refereed section and will thus be judged for best paper awards. 7. References in the body of the paper to other literature sources should be made according to the surname of the author and the year of publication in brackets, eg. Fisher (1997) stated…. 8. The list of references should be in alphabetical order according to surnames of authors, it should include the initials of the authors and the year of publication. The title of an article should be in inverted commas, and a bookname or name of journal should be in Italics. The Publisher should be stated in cases of books and full edition and page particulars should be stated in cases of journals. Examples: Asquith, P. and D. Mullins (1986). "Equity issues and offering dilution", Journal of Financial Economics, 11:121-139. Campbell, J., A. Lo and C. MacKinlay (1997). The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press, Princeton. 9. Internet sources should also be included in the list of references, as follows (example): Smith, J.P. (1997). Comparing search engines for research. [Online]. Available URL address: (NB: give the full details of the web page, not only the homepage, but the final page in which the source appears. If more than one, use multiple references with 1997a, 1997b, etc.) 10. The deadline for submission is 31 March of the year of the congress. 11. Letters of acceptance or rejection will be sent back before 1st June. 12. Accepted papers: the final manuscripts should be submitted before 15 June. 13. Final manuscripts not received by 15 June will not be considered for best paper awards and will not be included in the printed proceedings of the congress. (Note: Judging for best paper awards are based solely on the printed paper and no judging during the actual presentation will take place) Entries in the non-refereed section will only be allowed for French members of the AFC.