Digitization has redefined social norms, corporate organizations, and business models. Its influence on accounting is profound and comprehensive, ranging from asset existence forms, asset valuation and uncertainty, accounting recognition and measurement, financial disclosure, to the transmission and the social impact of accounting information. The status and role of accounting in society are undergoing dramatic changes.
As accounting researchers and practitioners, we need to realize that digitalization is bound to develop even further. To promote the development of accounting in the era of digitalization and to help regulatory agencies to establish digitalization rules and guidelines to enhance social welfare, we need to identify the influences and challenges brought by digitalization, and develop theories and methods to overcome them. This international academic symposium will invite delegates from practitioners, academia, and policy makers to discuss the challenges and solutions in digitalization and accounting. Such a dialog would provide a crucial venue for the accounting community to better understand the impact and challenges brought by digitalization and the strategies we can take.
Center for Accounting Studies of Xiamen University(Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities)and the Department of Accounting at School of Management of Xiamen University will hold “Digitization and Accounting: Reshaping the Future” via a combination of online and onsite mode on October 27-28, 2022.
Date and Venue
Venue: Online and onsite (Xiamen)
Registration time: October 26,2022(Wednesday)
Meeting Date:
October 27, 2022 (Thursday), the Digital and Accounting Forum
October 28, 2022 (Friday), Paper presentations and discussions
Keynote Speakers
Representatives of scholars, policy makers, practitioners in the accounting and finance area.
The conference organizers encourage submissions of working papers that enrich our understanding of digitalization and accounting. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
1. Social Functions of Digitalization and Accounting;
2. Digitalization and Financial Reports;
3. Digitalization and Accounting Standards;
4. Digital Assets: Characteristics, Valuation and Reporting;
5. Digital Environment, Business Model Innovation and Revenue Realization;
6. Digitalization and Innovation of Audit Mode;
7. Digitization and Accounting Education;
8. Other Related Issues.
Paper Selection
All submitted papers will go through a blind review process. We will give priority to the papers that are willing to publish in“Contemporary Accounting Review”. Papers accepted in this symposium will be prioritized in the review process of“Contemporary Accounting Review”. Remuneration will be paid once the paper is published.
Conference Registration
There will be no registration fee.On-site participants need to arrange their transportations by themselves. Accommodation will be arranged by conference organizers and paid by participants.
Paper Submission Details
1. Papers are not limited to empirical studies. Papers on case studies, field studies and interview studies are encouraged and will be given priority. We also welcome the research on the description of accounting and financial related system changes and the review of thematic literature.
2. The papers shall be original and have not been published elsewhere. The papers should be free from confidentiality and plagiarism and the authors shall take sole responsibility for their papers.“Contemporary Accounting Review” advocates and encourages research questions based on China's institutional environment and context. All papers will be reviewed anonymously, and the selected papers will have priority to enter the anonymous review process of “Contemporary Accounting Review”. If the author does not agree to contribute to this journal, please indicate it on the cover of the paper.
3. The submitted paper should include:
(1) Home page: Please use the “Submission Cover” provided by the conference and fill in the blanks clearly. For co-authored papers, please indicate the corresponding author and contact information.
(2) Second page: title in Chinese and English, abstract in Chinese and English (about 300 words each), and keywords.
(3) Body text.
(4) All the submitted papers must be in Microsoft® Word (.doc or .docx) format, including references, figures, and tables.
(5) The paper should be no longer than 15,000 words including references, figures, tables, and appendices.
(6) Language: Chinese or English. Please refer to the manuscript preparation guidelines of “Contemporary Accounting Review”.
Important Dates
Authors are invited to submit a full paper by September 28, 2022 (Beijing Time). Papers will be selected for presentation at the conference by the conference committee and will be notified by On October 9, 2022 (Beijing Time).
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit a full paper named by "Author-Title" to cas@xmu.edu.cn. Please indicate the following in the subject of your email:
1. Author's name
2.“International Symposium on Digitization and Accounting: Reshaping the Future”
Contact Information
For any further information, please contact Ms. Yang and Professor Feng Liu
Tel: 0592-2181523
Email: cas@xmu.edu.cn