Digitization has redefined social norms, corporate organizations, and business models: Its influence on accounting is profound and comprehensive, ranging from asset existence forms, asset valuation and uncertainty, accounting recognition and measurement, financial disclosure, to the transmission and the social impact of accounting information: The status and role of accounting in society are undergoing dramatic changes.
As accounting researchers and practitioners, we need to realize that digitalization is bound to develop even further: To promote the development of accounting in the era of digitalization and to help regulatory agencies to establish digitalization rules and guidelines to enhance social welfare, we need to identify the influences and challenges brought by digitalization, and develop theories and methods to overcome them: This international academic symposium will invite delegates from practitioners, academia, and policy makers to discuss the challenges and solutions in digitalization and accounting: Such a dialog would provide a crucial venue for the accounting community to better understand the impact and challenges brought by digitalization and the strategies we can take.
The Center for Accounting Studies of Xiamen University, a Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, jointly with the Department of Accounting of the School of Management of Xiamen University, is hosting an international academic symposium "Digitization and Accounting: Reshaping the Future". This symposium will be in an online (Zoom Conference) and offline (Xiamen University Siming Campus) mode, October 27-28, 2022. This symposium receives generous support from the Guanya Development Fund of the Department of Accounting of Xiamen University.