主旨演讲环节的主题是数字化与会计变迁。围绕这一主题,国际财务报告准则基金会咨询委员会William Coen主席、国际会计准则理事会陆建桥理事、日本注册会计师协会前主席、早稻田大学Aiko Sekine教授、耶鲁大学Shyam Sunder教授和厦门国家会计学院院长黄世忠教授分别作题为“The Evolving Role of Global Standards in an Increasingly Digitalized World”、“The IASB’s Third Agenda Consultation and Digital Financial Reporting”、“Challenges and Opportunities of Accounting Practitioners in the Era of Digitalization”、“Digitization of Human Perception, Models and Technology: Accounting Education, Practice and Research”和“Recognition, Measurement, and Report of Digital Assets based on Business Models”的主题演讲。