
信息来源: 发布时间:2018年03月05日

演讲题目Debt Covenant Violations, Credit Default Swap Pricing,and Borrowing Firms’ Accounting Conservatism 

演讲者:陈长龄 滑铁卢大学会计金融学院副教授   



主持人:陈亚盛 教授


讲座简介: We investigate the impact of debt covenant violations (DCVs) on credit default swap (CDS) pricing, and how DCVs and CDS, combined, affect the relation between DCVs and financial reporting conservatism of borrowing firms. While prior research suggests that lenders insured by CDS contracts reduce their demand of borrowers to report conservatively, we posit that other stakeholders such as large institutional shareholders and non-CDS protected creditors can intervene and demand borrowers to report more conservatively post DCVs, after they observe borrowers increased credit risk from CDS market trading. We find evidence consistent with our proposition. We first show that DCVs induce significant increases in CDS spreads in the trading days subsequent to borrowers’ SEC filing dates, which indicates that borrowing firms’ credit risk increases upon DCVs. Next, we find that borrowing firms’financial reporting becomes more conservative post DCVs, especially when DCVs result in large increases in borrowing firms’ CDS spreads. We also demonstrate that our results are more pronounced for borrowing firms with a large number of creditors or high institutional ownership.