
信息来源: 发布时间:2017年05月31日

题目:How knowledge learned from errorscontributes to innovation: A knowledge creation process perspective

演讲者:赵  斌  教授,加拿大西蒙菲莎大学

时间:2017年6月7日(周三)上午 10:00 - 11:30


主持人:陈亚盛  教授

参 加 者:对会计、财务研究有兴趣的师生

论文简介:Based on the organizational knowledgecreation theory, this paper aims to explore and identify the knowledge creationprocesses involved in learning from errors and investigate the impact of theseprocesses on exploitative and exploratory innovation. Two pilot studies wereconducted for this purpose. In Study 1, we interviewed managers and employeesfrom 32 different Chinese companies across industries. Content analysis of theinterview data revealed five knowledge conversion processes: socialization, externalization,combination, guided internalization, and compulsory internalization. In Study2, these five processes were further developed using an online survey sample of414 respondents by conducting both exploratory and confirmatory factoranalyses. Finally, we used the data to examine the relationships between thefive knowledge creation processes and exploratory and exploitative innovation.Results of Study 2 suggest that the five processes have differential effects ondifferent types of innovation.

关键字: knowledge creation; learning fromerrors; exploratory and exploitative innovation; organization level.

演讲者简介:赵斌博士,加拿大西门菲沙大学比迪商学院副教授,拥有新加坡国立大学的硕士学位(2001年),加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院的博士学位(2007年)。2006年7月至今在加拿大Simon Fraser University西门菲沙大学比迪商学院教人力资源管理。她的研究兴趣是组织行为(主要是差错管理,学习和创新)和人力资源管理(员工的激励和培训,奖惩制度,绩效考核)。赵教授的研究成果曾发表在Academy of Management Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior,Human Relations, Sloan Management Review, Journal of World Business,Ivey Business Journal等世界一流顶级学术期刊杂志。1999年出国学习前,她曾经在国内商界工作过4年。更多详情,请参见http://beedie.sfu.ca/profiles/NatalieBinZhao