题目: Are Candlestick Technical Trading Strategies Profitable in the Japanese Equity Market? 演讲者: Dr Martin Young, Associate Professor of Finance Department of Finance, Banking and Property, Massey University, New Zealand 时间: 2006年9月29日(星期五)3:00—4:30 PM 地点: 嘉庚二513 参加者: 对财务研究有兴趣的广大师生 主持人: 孙谦教授 报告论文摘要: We show that candlestick charting, the oldest known form of technical analysis, is not profitable in the Japanese equity market over the 1975-2004 period. Candlestick technical analysis, which was developed in Japan in the 1600s, is deeply intertwined with Japanese culture and is very popular in Japan. However, there is no evidence candlestick technical trading strategies add value in either the entire 30 year period, in three 10 year sub-periods or in bull or bear markets. 论文作者简介: Dr Martin Young is an Associate Professor of Finance in the Department of Finance, Banking and Property, Massey University, New Zealand. Prior to this he spent four years as a Senior Fellow at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. As well as his academic experience, Dr Young also has wide experience working within financial markets, having been a member of the New Zealand Stock Exchange for many years. He has a particular interest in research in the Asian financial markets, is a member of the Asian Finance Association Board, and is the New Zealand representative on the Asian Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee. Recently he was the co-program chair for the Asian FA/FMA conference held in Auckland, New Zealand. His academic publications include articles in the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Financial Review and the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal and he currently serves on the editorial board of the International Review of Financial Analysis.