
信息来源: 发布时间:2006年11月09日

题目: Financial Market Integration in the East Asian Region: Reality or Illusion? 演讲者:  Dr. S. Ghon Rhee, K. J. Luke Distinguished Professor of International Finance and Banking and Executive Director of Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Research Center, University of Hawai’i 时间:   2006年11月14日(星期二)7:00—8:30 PM     地点:         图书馆5楼报告厅 参加者:      对财务研究有兴趣的广大师生 论文作者简介: Dr. Rhee received his BA from Seoul National University Law School, MBA from Rutgers University, and Ph.D. from Ohio State University.  He is the K. J. Luke Distinguished Professor of International Finance and Banking and serves as Executive Director of the Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (FIMA) Research Center at the University of Hawai’i. He serves as Managing Editor of Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.  His research has been published or forthcoming in numerous academic journals, including: Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of International Business Studies, Decision Sciences, Managerial and Decision Economics, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Financial Management, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, etc.  He has published over 70 academic papers and edited or authored 17 books on Asian financial markets, including: • Retirement Pension and Asset Management: A Korean Perspective, (co-edited with Young Kwon Cho)(Seoul, Korea: Financial News Inc. of Korea, 2006). • The Feasibility of Creating Mortgage-Backed Securities Markets in the Asia-Pacific Region (Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2000) • Rising to the Challenge in Asia: A Study of Financial Markets Volume 1-12 (Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2000) • Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Research Volumes I, II, and III (Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland) • Dynamic Asian Securities Markets and Systemic Risks (Paris, France: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1992).   He is a board member of the Asian Finance Association, an association of academic researchers with research interests in Asian finance.  He was the founding president of the Pacific-Basin Financial Management Society, an academic association created to promote academic research on the region’s financial and capital markets.  He also served as a board member of the U.S. Financial Management Association.  He served as Program Chair of the Annual Pacific-Basin Finance Conferences, 1989-1997.