
题目:Thinking and Doing Anthropology
主持人:刘峰 会计计发展研究中心主任/会计学系教授

Augustin F.C. Holl (PhD 1983, Sorbonne, Habilitation Doctorate 1994, Paris X-Nanterre).
Taught at the University of Paris X-Nanterre, the University of California, San Diego, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, the University Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France). He is now the Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and director of the Africa Research Center (Belt and Road Research Institute) at Xiamen University.
Prof. Holl has conducted fieldwork in the Negev desert in Israel, Mauritania in the Dhar Tichitt, Cameroon in the Houlouf region, Burkina Faso in the Mohoun Bend, Senegal on the Sengambian megaliths, and the Saloum Delta Shell-Middens. He has published numerous articles in a range of top journals, has edited or co-edited 3 books. He has also published 18 books including The Diwan Revisited (2000), Ancient African Metallurgy (2000), The Land of Houlouf (2002), Holocene Saharans (2004), Ethnoarchaeology of Shuwa-Arab Settlements (2003), Saharan Rock Art (2004), and West African Early Towns (2006)。