
信息来源: 发布时间:2012年02月13日



Ø         随着世界经济一体化和资本市场全球化的发展,国际财务报告准则趋同问题受到世界各国普遍关注。目前,国际财务报告准则已经在一百多个国家采用或者作为制定本国会计准则的基础。针对当前国际形势,为更好地解决国际财务报告准则趋同所存在的各种问题,加强各国学者的交流与合作,促进财务与会计研究深入发展,更好地为会计理论和实务提供增量贡献,由美国会计学会和中国会计学会联合主办,普通高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地厦门大学会计发展研究中心、国家“985工程哲学社会科学创新平台厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院和国家重点学科厦门大学管理学院会计系联合承办的《国际会计研究学刊》首届年会——国际财务报告准则趋同与采用:机遇和挑战(The first conference for the Journal of International Accounting Research, Theme: IFRS Convergence and Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities,于 2011 6 15 在厦门大学科艺中心隆重开幕。本次年会旨在探讨国际财务报告准则发展的理论和实务问题,是美国会计学会(AAA)在中国大陆举办的第一个真正的国际性会议,今后将在全球不同国家举办年会。

此次会议征文由美国会计学会国际会计分会(IAS)负责遴选,由会计教育与研究国际协会前副会长(IAAER)、美国路易斯安那州立大学 郑振兴 教授和厦门大学 曲晓辉 教授担任联合主席的会议筹委会(Planning Committee),负责会议的具体组织工作,会议的征文、应征论文提交、参会注册、宾馆预订、日程张贴、会务安排等事宜均在美国会计学会网站上进行。会议共收到一百多篇应征论文,经过会议论文评审委员会匿名评审,共有6篇论文做大会报告,45篇论文进行分组交流报告。来自澳大利亚、加拿大、智利、中国大陆、中国台湾、中国香港、德国、日本、沙特阿拉伯、新加坡、南非、韩国、瑞士、英国、美国等15个国家和地区的112位专家学者应邀出席了此次会议。ACCA为本次会议提供了赞助。

年会议程很紧凑,内容也十分丰富。其中,研讨会前, 6 14 日下午 ,美国会计学会按照以往惯例,安排了会员进修性质的关于国际财务报告准则(IFRS)教育和研究的两个专题研讨会,由厦门大学 曲晓辉 教授主持。美国杨百翰大学Ervin Black教授和Greg Burton教授在主持了IFRS教学专题讨论会上进行了演讲,讲授国际财务报告准则IFRS教学工作进展、教学资源与经验;香港大学Gray Biddle教授和美国佛罗里达国际大学Stephen Lin教授主持了 IFRS IFRS研究专题研讨论会上进行了演讲,讲授IFRS国际财务报告准则研究工作进展、经验与前瞻。在 6 15 上午 的开幕式上,会计与教育研究国际协会(IAAER)前副会长、美国路易斯安那州立大学C. S. Agnes Cheng(郑振兴)教授主持了开幕式。中国会计学会副会长、财政部企业司刘玉廷司长代表中国会计学会致辞,并介绍了中国会计准则国际趋同的基本情况和全球金融危机后国际财务报告准则的发展及中国的对策。美国会计学会会长、美国杨百翰大学Kevin Stocks教授代表美国会计学会致辞;美国会计学会国际会计分会现候任会长、美国杨百翰大学Ervin Black教授代表国际会计分会致辞;厦门大学副校长 李建发 教授代表厦门大学致欢迎辞。

此次年会的工作语言为英语,参会者来自全球各地,会议研讨完全按照国际学术会议惯例进行规范的安排,国际性和学术性特征明显,紧凑务实。为推动国内的国际会计研究,培养青年学者的国际视野,年会承办单位特别向国内二十多所 985” 211” 高等学校的青年学者发出了会议特殊邀请函,向每个学校提供了一个经 AAA批准的优惠注册名额。参会的国内青年学者大多身处学科研究一线前沿,科研的创新思维十分活跃,在年会期间与到会的全球会计专家学者进行了充分的交流。年会会务服务的自愿者均主要为厦门大学会计发展研究中心承办 单位的 博士和硕士研究生,他们具有良好的英语沟通能力和一定的学术研究能力,为大会提供了最佳的服务。在年会上,各专家学者分别就与国际财务报告准则趋同和与采用相关中的公允价值会计、会计信息质量、经济决策与盈余管理、财务会计、审计、公司治理、会计教育等问题进行了深入的探讨,议题前沿、内容广泛而深入。

Ø         2011 5 6 ,香港科技大学张处教授为我中心师生作题为“On the Returns on Small Growth Stocks”学术讲座。讲座摘要:The average returns on small growth stocks have been unusually low, especially during the 1980s and 1990s. The reason for the low realized returns on small growth stocks is their poor earnings. These stocks have tended to be in high-tech industries. Many of them were listed during the 1980s and some of them were delisted years before the Internet bubble in the early 2000s. To a large extent, the low returns on these small growth stocks were expected. They were the result of investors' preferences for positive return skewness. A skewness measure and the corresponding mimicking factor are found to be useful in explaining the cross-section of expected returns and, in particular, the puzzle of low expected returns on small growth stocks. The results in this paper provide fresh evidence on the role of skewness in asset pricing as well as new perspectives on the well-known size and book-to-market effects of stock returns.

Ø         2011 5 13 ,新加坡南洋理工大学KE Bin教授为我中心师生作题为“Externalities of Disclosure Regulation: The Case of Regulation FD”学术讲座。讲座摘要:We use Regulation Fair Disclosure (REG FD) to examine a relatively neglected but important effect of disclosure regulation: externalities. REG FD applies to all publicly traded U.S. firms, but foreign firms cross-listed on U.S. stock exchanges are explicitly exempt. Despite the exemption, we find that many cross-listed firms voluntarily adopt REG FD as part of their disclosure policies. We hypothesize that REG FD imposes two externalities on cross-listed firms. First, following REG FD previously disadvantaged U.S. investors have a lower demand for shares of cross-listed firms that continue to follow a selective disclosure policy. Second, REG FD creates an information spillover effect on cross-listed firms whose values and cash flows are correlated with those of U.S. firms. We find evidence of both effects in cross-listed firms’ voluntary REG FD adoption decisions. Further, relative to non-adopters, cross-listed firms who voluntarily adopt REG FD exhibit a significant reduction in the information asymmetry component of cost of capital. REG FD adopters are also more likely than non-adopters to switch to open disclosure post REG FD. These results suggest that cross-listed firms’ voluntary REG FD adoption represents a credible commitment to increased disclosure transparency.

Ø         2011 5 20 ,澳大利亚昆士兰大学Jaime Alcock博士为我中心师生作题为“The Price of Asymmetric Dependence”学术讲座。讲座摘要:We examine the relative importance of asymmetric dependence (AD) and systematic risk in the cross-section of US equities. Using a β-invariant AD metric, we demonstrate a lower-tail dependence premium that is only 35% of the market risk premium, compared with an upper-tail dependence discount that is 41% of the market risk premium. Lower tail dependence displays a constant price between 1989-2009. Subsequently, we find that return changes in US equities between 2007- 2009 reflected changes in systematic risk and upper-tail dependence. This suggests that both systematic risk and AD should be managed in order to reduce the return impact of market downturns.

Ø         2011 5 27 ,纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学Jian Zhou教授为我中心师生作题为“The Effect of Voluntary Internal Control Audits on the Cost of Capital”学术讲座。讲座摘要:In this paper, we investigate whether companies that voluntarily comply with Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 enjoy a lower cost of capital. Section 404(b) requires an external audit firm’s attestation report on management’s assessment of the company’s internal controls over financial reporting. While accelerated filers have been required to comply with the provisions under Section 404(b) since November 15, 2004, non-accelerated filer compliance has been (and, as of July 21, 2010, will continue to be) voluntary. Using a sample of companies that voluntarily have their internal controls audited by an external auditor and a control group of companies that report on the strength of internal controls but do not have management’s internal control assertions audited, we first model the determinants of voluntary compliance. We find that companies issuing equity or debt and those with stronger monitoring mechanisms (i.e., Big 4 auditors and higher institutional ownership) are more likely to voluntarily comply with Section 404(b). Next, we test whether voluntary compliance companies enjoy a lower cost of capital relative to companies that do not comply with Section 404(b) and whether voluntary compliance companies enjoy a decline in the cost of capital in the first year of compliance. We find that the cost of equity and the cost of debt capital are significantly lower for those companies choosing to have their internal controls audited and that voluntary compliance companies enjoy a reduction in the cost of equity and the cost of debt in the year of voluntary compliance. Our findings are important because they demonstrate an important benefit that small companies can derive from purchasing internal control audits.

Ø         2011 6 17 ,香港理工大学吴东辉副教授为我中心师生作题为“Do Individual Auditors Affect Audit Quality? Evidence from Archival Data”学术讲座。讲座摘要:This study examines the importance of individual auditors in determining audit quality using a large set of archival Chinese data. We find that there is a significant variation in audit quality across individual auditors. The effects that individual auditors have on audit quality are both economically and statistically significant, and stronger than the corresponding effects of audit firms. We also find that the individual auditor effects on audit quality can be partially explained by the auditors’characteristics such as educational background, Big N audit firm experience, rank in the audit firm, and political background. Our work highlights the importance of analyzing audit quality at the individual auditor level.

Ø         2011 7 1 ,罗拉多大学丹佛分校Jian Yang副教授为我中心师生作题为“Credit Risk Spillovers among Financial Institutions around the Global Credit Crisis: Firm-Level Evidence”学术讲座。讲座摘要:With an international dataset of credit default spreads as a credit risk measure, we propose a novel empirical framework to identify the structure of credit risk network across major financial institutions around the recent 2007-2008 global credit crisis. The findings directly shed light on credit risk transmission in a financial network and indirectly help find systemically important financial institutions from the perspective of interconnectedness. Specifically, we are able to identify three groups of players including primary senders, exchange centers and prime receivers of credit risk information on the credit market. Further analysis shows that leverage ratios and certain aspect of corporate governance (i.e., CEO duality) may be significant determinants of identified different roles of financial institutions in credit risk transfer, while no such evidence is found for other factors including size, liquidity and asset write-down.








该项目在已有的研究成果论文《A Fuzzy Valuation Model of Intellectual Capital 》、《经济产业集群的智力资本管理作用》、《管理控制系统的发展与创新:从班组核算拓展到与公司治理集成*》、《调查研究法在我国审计和会计研究中的应用现状研究》、《Inter-Organization Cost Synergy Management Using a Multi-Agent Intelligent System》《Valuating Intellectual Capital and Its Application》,《Incentive Contract Design and Performance Stock Option Valuation》和《经理人长期激励方案与股东利益的一致性研究》(发表在《财经理论与实践》20107月(第4期)上)、国际会议论文“Budgeting Control Theory and the Improved budgeting system Model: Case Evidence From Budgeting Practice in China Company ( Yuanlue Fu , Xiamen University, China)“。在上述研究成果的基础上,又有了如下新进展(工作论文):  

阶段性成果:Performance Stock Option Is A Terrible Incentive Tool?(第三届金融风险与公司金融国际研讨会上报告,并获得优秀论文奖,2011

Since 2001, the effect of performance stock option for manager incentive is in a dilemma. Some scholars argue that stock option incentive should be abandoned, but some scholars argue that stock option incentive should be continuously applied.  This paper systematically studies the valuation of performance stock option and incentive contracts in order to conclude the three results: (1) to improve the model of vesting numbers and exercise price for their stock option, so that to control managers manipulate the profit and stock price to get the capital gain of their stock share(2) like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of USA, this paper sets a penalizing mechanism for  manager incentive contract in order to increase the incentive efficiency of performance  stock option(3) this paper shows that above model and theory can provide an answer that the improved model of performance  stock option is not a terrible incentive tool but is the most useful incentive tool in practice.







阶段性成果之一:Product market competition, board structure, and disclosure quality”(Frontiers of Business Research in China2011Volume 5,Number 2291-316


阶段性成果之二:Family control, institutional environment and cash dividend policy:Evidence from China”(China Journal of Accounting ResearchJune4 (2011) 29-46

Using a sample of 1486 Chinese A-share listed companies for the period 2004-2008, this study empirically tests the impact of family control, institutional environment and their interaction on the cash dividend policy of listed companies. Our results indicate that (1)family firms have a lower cash dividend payout ratio and propensity to pay dividends than on-family firms;(2)a favorable regional institutional environment has a significant positive impact on the cash dividend payout ratio and propensity to pay dividends of listed companies; and (3)the impact of the regional institutional environment on cash dividends is stronger in family firms than in non-family firms.Somewhat surprisinglywe find that controlling family shareholders in China may intensify Agency Problem I (the owner-manager conflict) rather than Agency Problem II (the controlling shareholder-minority shareholder conflict), and thus have a significant negative impact on cash dividend policy. In contrast, a favorable regional institutional environment plays a positive corporate governance role in mitigating Agency Problem I and encouraging family firms to pay cash dividends.









本文以2007-2009年深市A股上市公司为样本,以发布独立社会责任报告表明企业具有相对较强的社会责任感为内在假设,检验其社会责任报告的发布是否与会计准则的遵循即高质量的会计信息相关联结果发现独立社会责任报告的发布与信息的透明度正相关, 但与信息的价值相关性和可靠性没有显著联系可见企业应切实履行基本的社会责任, 提供高质量的会计信息满足利益相关者的需要, 监管机构也应尽快通过立法来规范对社会责任报告的审计













阶段性成果之一:“政治联系、过度投资与公司价值”( 即将发表于金融研究,作者杜兴强、曾泉、杜颖洁)

























