Ø 2009年3月6日, 香港理工大学助理教授 Nancy Su博士为我中心师生做题为:Non-Audit Services and Earnings Management in the Pre-SOX and Post-Sox Eras学术讲座。讲座摘要:Extant research on the association between auditor-provided non-audit services (NAS) and earnings management assumes implicitly that all NAS can be equally harmful for auditor independence. However, the SEC prohibited specific kinds of NAS, arguing explicitly that these were potentially harmful to auditor independence. We argue that the decline in observed NAS from the pre-SOX to post-SOX eras resulting from the SEC’s prohibition can be used to distinguish firms that had “harmful” NAS from those that did not. We examine earnings management (using discretionary accruals measures) during the pre-SOX and post-SOX eras for firms that underwent and did not undergo a decline in NAS following the new SEC rules prohibiting certain kinds of NAS. We find that firms that eliminated (presumably harmful) NAS were associated with greater earnings management in the pre-SOX era, but this was confined to downwards earnings management. Further, the downwards earnings management for the firms that eliminated NAS was lower in the post-SOX era than in the pre-SOX era. These results obtain for firms that were more likely to have incentives to manipulate earnings downwards, firms with weaker corporate governance in the pre-SOX than in the post-SOX period, and clients of Big 5 auditors.
Ø 2009年3月27日,清华大学王赫博士为我中心师生做题为:The Value of Shareholder Activism: New Evidence from the Split-share Structure Reform in China学术讲座。讲座摘要:We examine shareholder activism in the recent split-share structure reform in China. This unique event allows us to avoid the deciencies in determining activism proxies and in measuring their e_ectiveness that plague the previous literature. We _nd that the e_ectiveness of shareholder activism is inuenced by segmented institutional ownerships. Particularly, shareholder activism could have both positive and negative impacts on managerial behaviors in the presence of institutional investors' interest conicts. We show that, even in its primitive stage, Chinese shareholder activism has demonstrated positive value in corporate governance.
Ø 2009年3月31日,香港科技大学Ge Rui博士为我中心师生做题为:Do Acquirers in Stock Swap Acquisitions Disclose Good News or Withhold Bad News? 学术讲座。讲座摘要:Companies that use their own stock to finance acquisitions have incentives to increase their market values prior to the acquisition date. This study examines whether such companies strategically disclose good news or withhold bad news in order to boost their high stock prices. I find that stock swap acquirers are not more likely to issue favorable management forecasts during the period before the acquisition compared to the period after. On the other hand, I find strong evidence that stock swap acquirers are less likely to issue unfavorable management forecasts. The results suggest that forecasting good earnings news is perceived to be more costly than is remaining silent when the company has bad news. I also examine revisions to analysts’ earnings forecasts in order to capture any disclosures that companies make other than through management forecasts of earnings. I find that analysts’ forecasts of stock swap acquirers are not revised up but they are revised down less during the period before the acquisition. Consistent with the evidence from management forecasts, these findings suggest that stock swap acquirers do not disclose good news but they do withhold bad news in order to maintain higher stock prices.
Ø 2009年4月10日,Lee-Seok Hwang,Professor of accounting, Seoul National University为我中心师生做题为:Do Takeover Defenses Impair Equity Investors’ Perception of ‘Higher Quality’ Earnings? 学术讲座。讲座摘要:Prior studies investigating earnings quality have stood on the assumption that the observed earnings quality is determined by the reporting quality (the supply for earnings quality) and the corresponding investors’ perception of the reported numbers (the demand for earnings quality). However, they have largely overlooked the possibility that the supply and the demand could diverge because of other factors that do not relate to the reporting quality directly, but do influence the market perception of the numbers. To address this unchallenged disentanglement, this paper uses the implication of takeover defenses for earnings informativeness. Under the quiet life theory, we expect that takeover protection will impair the equity investors’ perception of earnings even though they seem to be of higher quality as reported by Zhao and Chen (2008). We find that investment, as well as performance of more defensive firms, is valued at a discount, suggesting that investors perceive the investment of more defensive firms to be less value-relevant because they expect that such firms are not likely to generate sufficient profits with the investment. Furthermore, the variability of firm value is lower in such firms, which causes the investors to be concerned with the profitability and growth of a firm thereby deteriorating the investors’ perception of the current earnings. Lastly, the test using the implied cost of equity corroborates the demand side effect of the earnings informativeness. Taken as a whole, our results suggest that researchers should consider the supply and the demand for earnings quality with caution when they develop their hypotheses.
Ø 2009年4月10日,Seoul National University Lee-Seok Hwang教授为我中心师生做题为:Do Takeover Defenses Impair Equity Investors’ Perception of ‘Higher Quality’ Earnings? 学术讲座。讲座摘要:Prior studies investigating earnings quality have stood on the assumption that the observed
earnings quality is determined by the reporting quality (the supply for earnings quality) and the corresponding investors’ perception of the reported numbers (the demand for earnings quality). However, they have largely overlooked the possibility that the supply and the demand could diverge because of other factors that do not relate to the reporting quality directly, but do influence the market perception of the numbers. To address this unchallenged disentanglement, this paper uses the implication of takeover defenses for earnings informativeness. Under the quiet life theory, we expect that takeover protection will impair the equity investors’ perception of earnings even though they seem to be of higher quality as reported by Zhao and Chen (2008). We find that investment, as well as performance of more defensive firms, is valued at a discount, suggesting that investors perceive the investment of more defensive firms to be less value-relevant because they expect that such firms are not likely to generate sufficient profits with the investment. Furthermore, the variability of firm value is lower in such firms, which causes the investors to be concerned with the profitability and growth of a firm thereby deteriorating the investors’ perception of the current earnings. Lastly, the test using the implied cost of equity corroborates the demand side effect of the earnings informativeness. Taken as a whole, our results suggest that researchers should consider the supply and the demand for earnings quality with caution when they develop their hypotheses.
Ø 2009年4月17日,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Yan Dong教授为我中心师生做题为:A Comparison of the Determinants of Chinese and U.S.A FDI Outflows学术讲座。讲座摘要:The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has become an important and influential player in the
world and is increasingly a source of political and financial support for many developing countries. A number of incentives drive China’s commercial investment. However, Is China’s FDI largely political oriented? It is interesting to examine whether the determinants of China’s FDI outflows are significantly different from other countries’ FDI, such as U.S. More specifically, the aim of this paper is to examine the social, economic and locational determinants of China’s direct investment in different regions and countries. A comparison of China’s investment patterns with other countries, such as United States, is important because it explains how China contributes to economic growth and how investors’ behaviour varies in their decision making process. The extreme bound analysis is adopted in this paper to search for more robust variables that determines FDI.
Ø 2009年4月24日,University of Nottingham Jiang Ying 老师为我中心师生做题为:Bank of Japan Interventions, Exchange Rate Volatility, and Spillover Effects: Evidence from High Frequency data学术讲座。讲座摘要:We consider the dynamics of the Bank of Japan (BoJ) interventions in the foreign exchange market during the period 2000-2004, which during this period are of substantial magnitude, relatively frequent, not co-ordinated and take place within the ‘zero interest rate’ monetary policy regime. Only scant evidence exists in the literature on the spillover effect and the impact on covariance in both daily and intraday framework, as well as on analyzing the characteristics of intraday volatility dynamic on both intervention days and non-intervention days. In contrast to
earlier studies, our analysis does not hinge on the assumption that intervention always increases the volatility of the exchange rate. We perform rolling estimations of a Multivariate GARCH model, use the quartile plots of intraday volatility, and perform equal variance tests to investigate intraday volatility characteristics in intervention and non-intervention days using both daily and 15-minute data. Our findings suggest that BoJ interventions decrease the volatility of yen/$ exchange rate. This result contrasts the findings of earlier studies which focus on previous experiences and typically find that interventions result to higher volatility. The effect of interventions on the yen/$ volatility depends on the different states that the market experiences and its impact is different under high and low levels of exchange rate volatility. We also find the intraday volatility is less heteroskedastic within the intervention day and this has implications for volatility forecasting. We find strong evidence that intervention in the USD/YEN increases the volatility of the Euro/Yen.
Ø 2009年5月22日,University of Hong Kong Konan Chan 教授为我中心师生做题为:The Market Valuation of R&D Decreases学术讲座。讲座摘要:While many studies document that R&D investments significantly contribute to firm value, there is very little existing research which investigates whether the reduction in R&D expenditures creates any negative impact on firms’ performance. This paper examines long-term performance following significant R&D decrease. We find that firms with large decline in R&D generate a significantly positive abnormal stock return in the long-run. This return drift cannot be explained by previously documented determinants of cross-section returns, such as size, book-to-market ratio, momentum, accruals, asset growth and net share issuance. We explore three economic motives behind R&D decrease – R&D spillover, managerial myopia and overinvestment – to account for the associated abnormal returns. We find no compelling evidence to support either the spillover or myopia explanation. Our results are most consistent with the overinvestment hypothesis that firms cut down R&D investments to mitigate the agency problem. Firms with low
growth opportunities generate higher future returns than their R&D decrease counterparts. Also, firms decrease their cost of capital after R&D decrease and these firms with declining cost of capital outperform. Our results suggest that the market underestimates the decline in cost of capital following R&D reduction.
Ø 2009年6月24日,University of Houston Gerald J. Lobo 教授为我中心师生做题为:AUDIT QUALITY AND THE MARKET VALUATION OF BANKS’ ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES学术讲座。讲座摘要:The recent banking crisis has led market participants to focus on the adequacy and quality of banks’ balance sheet items such as the allowance for loan losses. Beaver and Engel (1996) document that the capital market prices the nondiscretionary component of loan loss allowance negatively and the discretionary component less negatively. Using three measures of audit quality, auditor type (i.e., Big 5 vs non-Big 5), auditor industry specialization/expertise, and audit and nonaudit fees paid to auditors, we examine the effect of audit quality on the market valuation of the discretionary component of the allowance for loan losses. We find that, relative to the nondiscretionary component, the market valuation of the discretionary component of loan loss allowance is higher for banks audited by Big 5 auditors than for banks audited by non-Big 5 auditors. This result holds even after controlling for self-selection, i.e., the possibility that large banks and banks with more complex operations are more likely to hire Big 5 auditors. We also find that the relative market valuation of the discretionary component is increasing in auditor expertise. Our findings regarding the impact of fees paid to auditors indicate that banks paying higher audit fees have higher relative market valuation for the discretionary component of the allowance for loan losses, but banks that pay higher nonaudit fees do not.
A Fuzzy Valuation Model of Intellectual Capital 》和创意《经济产业集群的智力资本管理作用》和《管理控制系统的发展与创新:从班组核算拓展到与公司治理集成》和《
Inter-Organization Cost Synergy Management Using a Multi-Agent Intelligent System》的基础上,又有了如下新进展:
阶段性成果一:Valuating Intellectual Capital and Its Application(已在国际会议上发表,将被ISTP和EI收录)
How to valuate intellectual capital of firm has become a great interest topic in corporate financial management and intellectual capital management. Several approaches are proposed in the past, most of which focused on quality analysis of firm’s intellectual capital in firm value. This paper tries to make a breakthrough on this topic by applying fuzzy set theory and fuzzy AHP method to construct a quantified model to measure the contribution value of intellectual asset items. Furthermore, by applying this model to study two cases. the results of two fuzzy valuation cases show that this evaluation model is applicable to assess the quality and the contribution of intellectual capital in corporations. Moreover, using this model, managers can determine the level of capital matching, identify which specific intellectual asset item needs new investment, and so on. In another word, this fuzzy valuation model provides a novel tool for measuring, managing, and understanding a firm's intellectual assets.
随着全球金融市场的一体化进程的加快,越来越多的公司实行双重上市,比如许多非美国本土上市公司采取美国存托凭证(ADR)的方式在美国上市;我国公司发行A、H股(或A、B股)实现双重上市。这些双重上市的公司在两个分别属于不同法域的证券市场上市,并分别按照上市地证券监管要求进行信息披露和承担信息披露责任的活动。本文研究双重上市(A-H股)公司的 “管理层讨论与分析” (Management Discussion and Analysis,简称MD&A)的披露差异。本文将着眼点放在同一主体在不同法域、不同监管环境中的MD&A披露情况,视角新颖。关注这类双重上市公司基于相同的活动下,不同的政策、法律及监管环境下,是否会迎合不同的环境及需求对信息做出择机披露还是仅仅根据自身的情况客观披露信息?是否对MD&A信息采取迥然不同的披露方式?本文研究表明,双重上市公司采取相似披露还是差异披露,除了与两地MD&A的监管环境和MD&A法规有关之外,还与双重上市公司的自愿选择有关。同样本文研究也发现,双重上市公司两地MD&A披露风格“千姿百态”、并且存在“沿用模板”现象。而且普遍存在强制性信息披露不足、自愿性信息披露不多的现象。甚至在差异披露的公司中,出现对同一信息两地讨论存在较大差异的现象。笔者建议,为提高双重上市公司的MD&A披露水平,除了监管部门加大监管力度外,上市公司也应该提高自觉性。
阶段性成果之四:“股权结构、行业竞争性与公司绩效”(《上海立信会计学院学报》 2009年第3期):本文以上证工业股、商业股和公用事业股指数成分2002年至2004年数据为样本,通过对三种不同竞争性行业的区分比较,从产出效率的角度研究股权结构与公司绩效的关系。实证结果表明:国有股和法人股随行业竞争性不同对公司绩效产生不同的影响,流通股对公司绩效有负面影响;股权集中度与公司绩效的关系随行业竞争性不同而不同,在竞争性较弱的行业两者显著线性正相关,而在竞争性较强的行业则呈显著的U型曲线关系;行业竞争性对股权结构与公司绩效的关系有显著影响。本文认为,并不存在一个最优的股权结构,企业应根据不断变化的内外部环境来构造合适的股权结构。
阶段性成果之五:“Accounting Internationalization and Value Relevance of Accounting Earnings in China”(Frontiers of Business Research, June 2009): 本文以我国AB股上市公司1996年度至2003年度的财务报告为研究对象,通过比较我国会计准则与国际会计准则的价值相关性,检验了中国会计国际化进程所产生的效果。相对信息含量的检验结果表明,按国际会计准则报告的盈余的信息含量,要强于按中国会计准则报告的盈余,但国际会计准则的这种相对信息含量随着中国会计国际化的进程而有所削弱。而增量信息含量的检验结果表明,中国会计国际化进程使得国际会计准则相对于中国会计准则的增量信息含量也被减弱。进一步的检验结果还表明,随着中国会计国际化进程的办法,中国投资者把按两套准则报告的盈余当作替代信号,并且更偏爱采用按自己熟悉的会计准则(即中国会计准则)报告的盈余数据。
阶段性成果之六:“家族控制与信息披露质量实证研究——基于深交所家族上市公司的研究” (厦门大学管理学院硕士学位论文,2009年6月)
Berle和Means描述的“所有权分散”型公司曾被视为“放之四海而皆准”的公司形态,基于股权分散形成的股东和管理层之间的委托代理关系一度成为公司治理研究的基本范式。但是随着20世纪90年代La Porta 等(1999)的研究发现,集中是大部分国家中公司所有权和控制权结构的主导形态,由此引发的控制性股东与小股东之间的代理问题受到了广泛的关注。在不同性质的控制性股东中,家族控制成为一种世界性普遍现象。本文以2005-2007年深市A股家族控制上市公司为样本,通过所有权比例,控制权比例,控制权取得途径,控制权实现方式以及控制权制衡因素等方面来研究不同的控制权特征对信息披露质量的影响。
阶段性成果之七:“深市B股上市公司MD&A可读性特征研究”(厦门大学管理学院硕士学位论文,2009年6月):可读性是会计信息质量的基本要求之一,它要求企业提供的会计信息应当清晰明了,便于投资者等财务报告使用者理解和使用。投资者理解财务报告既取决于投资者本身的素质也受财务报告文本书写质量的影响。作为财务报告中非财务信息的主要组成部分,管理层讨论与分析(Management discussion and analysis ,MD&A)在上市公司定期报告中占有重要位置,各国学者不仅关心MD&A披露的内容而且关注它的书写质量,因为它关系着公司披露的内容是否能够以较低的阅读成本而被投资者获取。本文选取深市B股55家上市公司2005年、2006年和2007年的年报,运用Flesch公司衡量其MD&A的可读性水平,从公司特征和公司治理两个角度并同时控制行业和格式因素的影响对深市B股上市公司财务报告中管理层讨论与分析部分的可读性进行研究,试图寻找影响财务报告中管理层讨论与分析部分可读性的因素。
阶段性成果一:“内部控制与盈余质量——基于2007年A股公司的经验证据”(发表于《经济管理》,2008,No. 23-24,112-119)
阶段性成果二: “盈余持续性研究综述及启示”,已形成文章,待发表。