Ø 2008年10月10日,Xiaoquan liu,lecturer of Finance,University of Essex为我中心做题为:An Empirical Investigation of Option Pricing Models学术报告。报告摘要:In this paper, we empirically compare the pricing and forecasting performance of the wavelet option pricing model, the sp-line method, and the parametric stochastic volatility model with jumps. Both in-sample pricing and out-of-sample forecasting accuracy are examined using the US and UK index options data in 2006. Our results show that the wavelet model significantly outperforms the others in the in-sample pricing test in both markets. However, there is no clear winner in the out-of-sample forecast.
Ø 为了进一步推进我国管理会计理论的深入发展,更好地传承和发扬余绪缨教授广阔的学术思想,由中国会计师学会管理会计与应用专业委员会主办、厦门大学会计发展研究中心、厦门大学管理学院会计系承办,英国特许管理会计师公会(CIMA)支持的《管理会计与改革开放30年研讨会》于2008年10月11日-12日在厦门大学隆重召开。参会人员来自全国各高校的知名会计学者和实务界的精英,他们汇集在厦门大学,共同研讨我国乃至国际的管理会计理论的发展方向与理论前沿。大家分别从我国管理会计理论研究的演进与发展;预算管理的发展;环境与成本管理理论的突破与创新;业绩评价理论的扩展与创新;管理会计理论的新领域——智力资本协同管理;管理控制系统与管理决策理论;管理会计理论与实务;管理会计理论研究方法等领域进行了深入的研究和讨论。大家认为,为了促进我国管理会计理论研究的深入发展,必须充分结合企业管理实践,坚持理论来自企业实践,又指导企业实践的理论研究思想。大家相信本次研讨会将促进我国管理会计理论研究的新热潮。
Ø 2008年10月24日,Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business professor H. Henry Cao,为我中心做题为:Beauty Contests, Heterogeneous Beliefs, and Bubbles in Stocks and Options学术报告。报告摘要:We analyze how beauty contests due to dynamic trading in the presence of heterogeneous beliefs on public information can result in bubbles in stocks and options. We show that the effects of additional trading sessions on the stock price can be decomposed into two effects, the expectation effect and the risk premium effect. The ¯rst effect is caused by the differences about the mean of the public information among investors. When investors optimistic (pessimistic) about the public information have higher precision, the stock price will be higher (lower). The second effect is due to the disagreement about the covariance of the public information and the stock, which results in a reduction of risk premium, due to mutual insurance among investors provided by dynamic trading. The risk reduction effect causes the stock price to increase with the number trading sessions when investors agree on the expectation of the public signals. Dynamic trading also have two effects on options prices. The ¯rst effect is that the implied volatility in stock option prices will always decrease, which reduces option prices. The second effect is that as the stock price will change, this will in turn affect options prices. Hence, option prices can be higher or lower depending on the trade off between the two effects. Due to the reduction of risk, dynamic trading results in higher market liquidity. In the special case that investors disagree about the mean of the public information but agree on the covariance between the public signals and the stock payoff, the stock and option prices are not affected. We extend our results to heterogeneous priors on stock payoffs, dynamic trading without options and multiple stocks.
Ø 2008年10月31日,Fei Wu, senior lecturer in finance, Massey University,为我中心做题为:Intraday Time and Order Execution Quality Dimensions学术报告。报告摘要:We examine intraday execution quality patterns on Nasdaq stocks using proprietary order-level data from a U.S. broker dealer. Orders submitted midday execute slower than orders submitted around the open and close. However, midday orders have lower execution costs. Our results indicate that execution speed and execution cost exhibit offsetting intraday time-dependent patterns and these patterns appear to be induced by variations in informed trading levels. While some traders concentrate their trading activity around the open and close, others prefer to trade midday. Traders have varying preferences for when to trade, and offsetting patterns exist between speed and cost. These factors highlight the complexity in defining an optimal trading time, which, among other things, is dependent on the dimensional preferences of individual traders.
Ø 2008年11月7日,professor Soo Young Kwon, Korea University,为我中心做题为:Client, Industry and Country Factors Affecting Choice of Big N Industry Expert Auditors学术报告。报告摘要:This study investigates client choice of industry specialist auditors from among the Big N (Big 4 or 5) in an international (non-U.S.) setting. We employ two geographical measures of auditors’ industry expertise as a surrogate for high audit quality: based on industry market shares in clients’home countries, and based on industry market shares in the U.S. We
investigate client-specific, industry-level and country-level factors hypothesized to enhance or decrease client demand for audits by auditors having industry expertise. Using data for 29 countries and 14 broad industries from 1993-2005, we find that international client choice of homebased industry specialist auditors is positively associated with client size, leverage, growth opportunities, capital intensity, and membership in a regulated industry. At the country level, the choice of Big N industry specialist auditors is higher where levels of investor protection and quality of financial reporting environment are higher. We find somewhat different results for the U.S.-based measure of auditor industry specialization. International client choice of U.S.-based industry specialist auditors is positively associated with leverage, growth opportunities, external financing, financial losses, and concentrated industries. Additionally, the demand for the U.S.-based industry specialist auditors is higher where levels of investor protection and national economic development (but not quality of financial reporting environment) are higher.
Ø 2008年11月21日,Prof. Steven X. Wei,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University为我中心做题为:Understanding the Variation of Foreign Share Price Discounts – A Study of Dual-listed Chinese Firms学术报告。报告摘要:This paper investigates what drives the price disparity to vary in the “twin” shares (A shares
traded largely by domestic investors while B- and H- shares traded mainly by foreign investors) in China. Extending the variance decomposition framework of Vuolteenaho (2002), we decompose the unexpected price disparity into two terms: difference in expected return news and difference in cash flow news. Our results show that difference in expected return news overwhelmingly dominates difference in cash flow news in driving the variation of the price disparity. This suggests that to a large extent, market or macro news, rather than firms’ specific news, moves the price disparity of the twin shares.
Ø 2008年11月28日,Martin Young, Professor in Finance,Massey University,为我中心做题为:Buy and Sell Dynamics Following High Market Returns: Evidence from China学术报告。报告摘要:We provide a closer look at the trading dynamics which may give rise to the positive relationship between market trading volume and its lagged returns. Chinese market turnover increases sharply with past day returns. A comprehensive dataset which facilitates the tracing of trading activities among different groups of investors reveals that when previous market returns are high, investors with larger (smaller) average trade size increase their buy (sell) volume. Our findings indicate an important role of differing responses to market information among different classes of investors (e.g. different priors) in explaining this recently documented phenomenon.
Ø 2008年12月12日,Ming Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong为我中心做题为:Privatization and corporatization as endogenous choices in Chinese corporate reform学术报告。报告摘要:We investigate the endogenous choice problem of Chinese state-owned enterprises in their decision on whether to corporatize or privatize. Corporatization differs from privatization in the Chinese context, as in the former case, the state remains as a large shareholder, and in the latter case, the state has little or no ownership. Using a panel of provincial statistics, we show that the larger the local employment pressure, the less likely we see privatization; the smaller the local fiscal pressure, the less likely we see privatization; the more corrupted the local business environment, the less likely we see privatization. Privatization is found to yield consistent efficiency gains over corporatization measured in terms of both employment and firm profitability. Our evidences are supportive of the theoretical
framework of Boycko and Shleifer and Vishny (1996) where they model privatization as politicians' endogenous decision trading off eployment pressure against public fiscal interest.
Ø 2008年12月19日,Hung Wan Kot,HK Baptist University为我中心做题为:Short-sale Constraints and A-H Share Premiums学术报告。
项目负责人:葛家澍 杜兴强
阶段性成果: 会计选择问题探讨——面向公允价值的计量选择(已形成文章,待发表)
在原有发表在国际性的刊物《Chinese Business Review 》2006 No.5)的文章 “Cyber-Coordinating Mechanism and Strategic Management Accounting”、《CPC模式的网络化风险管理系统》、《跨越企业边界的成本管理优化模型及其协同效应》和《突破时空界限的财务适时监控》等论文基础上又有新的进展:
本课题在发表论文《A Fuzzy Valuation Model of Intellectual Capital 》和创意《经济产业集群的智力资本管理作用》和《管理控制系统的发展与创新:从班组核算拓展到与公司治理集成
阶段性成果:Inter-Organization Cost Synergy Management Using a Multi-Agent Intelligent System
The cost synergy management of inter-organization is one new topic which integrates three fields: cost management, firm network theory and IT application, and develops one of the most important tools about how to apply multi-agent intelligent to the improvement of the competence in creating wealth for firm shareholders and market competitive capacity. This study has two objectives: one is to develop the member multi-agent and network coordinating agent; the other one is to construct the framework model of cost synergy management in firm network based on the application of multi-agent. More specifically, this paper develops the synergic management of the product design, and synergic utilization and management of intellectual assets), in order to improve the competitive capacity and to solve some current problems in the cost management of inter-organization.
阶段性成果之二:“基于Count Panel Data模型的证券投资基金持股偏好实证研究”(首届亚洲金融工程会议和台湾金融工程学会2008年年会宣读论文,2008年10月,台湾):
随着市场影响力的提高,我国证券投资基金的持股偏好日益成为最受市场关注的焦点之一。在借鉴相关研究文献的基础上,本文以2003-2006年我国上市公司为样本数据,利用Count panel data 模型实证检验影响持有上市公司基金数的各种公司及股票特征,从而考察我国证券投资基金的持股偏好。