
信息来源: 发布时间:2008年02月26日

★     学术活动
来自UBC(University of British Columbia)的Dan A.Simunic教授和香港科技大学的陈建文(Kevin Chen)教授为本次国际研讨会提供主题学术报告。
         2007年10月26日,华盛顿大学Bernard Wong-On-Wing教授为我中心师生作了题为:MD&A Disclosures, Management Reporting Credibility and Investment Decisions的学术报告。报告摘要: Prior research provides limited and inconsistent evidence regarding the usefulness of the MD&A. This study proposes and tests a model of investors’ use of information contained in the MD&A. The results suggest that the clarity of MD&A disclosures and the use of safe harbor statements jointly influence non-professional investors’ perception of management’s reporting credibility. In particular, in the absence of safe harbor statements, non-professional investors infer that management has higher reporting credibility when MD&A disclosures are clear than when they are unclear. However, when management uses safe harbor statements, non-professional investors infer relatively high reporting credibility regardless of the clarity of the MD&A disclosures. The results also suggest that non-professional investors’ perceived reporting credibility moderates the effect of management’s forecast on investment decisions. Specifically, the favorable effect of a positive management forecast in the MD&A is observed only when management’s reporting credibility is perceived to be high, but not when it is perceived to be low. Implications are discussed.
         2007年11月2日,Lewis Tam, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Business Economics, University of Macau为我中心师生作了题为:Controlling Ownership, Adverse Selection, and Choice in Equity Offering Method的学术报告。报告摘要: We model the choice between a rights offering and a public offering of shares in the presence of a controlling shareholder—a common feature in emerging markets. A key feature of the model is that the controlling shareholder pre-commits not to subscribe to new shares in a rights offering, as opposed to the common practice in most countries. Assuming high ownership concentration is costly, we argue that a rights offering of this kind provides the controlling shareholder greater incentives to reduce ownership, by allowing the capture of all or most of the benefits that come from reducing ownership concentration. The dark side of this feature is that the controlling shareholder will offer shares only upon receiving a bad signal on firm value—an adverse selection problem similar to but less severe than the one in a public offering. While a rights offering often reveals a less adverse signal than a public offering, the difference converges when the controlling ownership is increasing. We test the model implications with a dataset of equity offerings in China where the state and its related parties always pre-commit not to subscribe to new shares in rights offerings. The results are largely consistent with our model implications. Our study sheds light on the choice of method to reduce government ownership in emerging markets by comparing the costs and benefits of alternative selling mechanisms.
         2007年12月14日,加利福尼亚大学Chao Chen教授为我中心师生作了题为:Ownership Structure, Control Chains, and Cash Dividend Policy: Evidence from China的学术报告。报告摘要:China’s corporate sector is unique in many aspects. For example, most listed firms in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges are carve-outs of stateowned enterprises in China, stock ownership is highly concentrated, and government bodies own a majority or controlling ownership of many publicly listed companies. Furthermore, a high percentage of the stocks of listed firms is not fully circulated in the Chinese stock market, but held by state-owned enterprises as non-tradable shares. This paper investigates the cash dividend policy of listed companies in China from the perspective of ownership structures and control chains that have evolved in China’s unique institutional and legal setting. The level of cash dividends per share (DPS) is higher for companies ultimately controlled by non-state entities than for those controlled by the state, in particular, local government controlled firms. Local government controlled firms are more likely to pay less cash dividends because they have a greater incentive than central government controlled firms to support companies that they control. For companies ultimately controlled by a non-state entity, the longer the control chain, the lower the probability of cash dividend, and the lower the DPS and payout ratio. However, increases in the control chain have a less negative impact on dividends for state-controlled firms than for firms controlled by a non-state entity. The cash flow right is positively related to the probability of a cash dividend distribution, the level of the cash dividends, and the cash dividend payout ratio. The greater the divergence of the cash flow rights and the control rights, the higher the incentive for those with dominant control rights to seek rents from shareholders with minority control rights. In China as the ratio of control rights to cash flow rights increases, the greater divergence leads to firms paying more dividends.
         2007年12月21日,北京大学Yu-Jane Liu教授为我中心师生作了题为:Do Day Traders Make Money?的学术报告。报告摘要:When an investor buys and sells the same stock on the same day, he has made a day trade. We analyze the performance of day traders in Taiwan. Day trading by individual investors is prevalent in Taiwan – accounting for over 20 percent of total volume from 1995 through 1999. Individual investors account for over 97 percent of all day trading activity. Day trading is extremely concentrated. About one percent of individual investors account for half of day trading and one fourth of total trading by individual investors. Heavy day traders earn gross profits, but their profits are not sufficient to cover transaction costs. Moreover, in the typical six month period, more than eight out of ten day traders lose money. Despite these bleak findings, there is strong evidence of persistent ability for a relatively small group of day traders. Traders with strong past performance continue to earn strong returns. The stocks they buy outperform those they sell by 62 basis points per day. This spread is sufficiently large to cover transaction costs.
         2007年12月28日,香港理工大学WILSON H.S. TONG教授为我中心师生做了题为:Information Asymmetry, Bidding Premium and Abnormal Returns的学术报告。报告摘要:While there is a large finance literature on the importance of information asymmetry, relatively few study its effect on the takeover market. We fill the void by studying the impact of information asymmetry on the bid premium, the cumulative abnormal returns of the acquirer and the target around the day of the takeover announcement. Based on 1,612 takeover announcements between 1985 and 2006, we find that information  asymmetry associates positively with the bid premium. We argue that given information asymmetry, information about the target is more asymmetric against the market than the bidder who has more incentive and ability in collecting target information. Hence, investors discount the target price more than the bidder does resulting higher bid premium for more opaque target. We also find that information asymmetry associates positively with the announcement returns of the acquirer and the target. Apparently, higher bid premium paid to the more opaque target is not an overpayment by the bidder. We argue that our results generalize some recent studies showing that stock acquisition is optimal if the target is under serious information asymmetry problem.
★     重大项目进展报告
项目负责人:葛家澍  杜兴强
自上世纪七十年代以来,经济发达国家各类金融机构之间的国际竞争空前激烈,金融创新成为取得和保持竞争优势的主要战略,金融衍生工具不断突破管理制度的禁锢而大量涌现,使得现代市场经济体系发生了巨大的变化,对金融业乃至市场经济的发展产生了深刻的影响,进而引发了会计确认、计量、列报和披露的一系列问题。为此,国际会计准则理事会(IASB)高度关注金融工具、特别是衍生金融工具的确认和计量以及列报与披露问题,并组织大批专家研究、制定并不断修订金融工具方面的国际会计准则(IAS 32与IAS 39)并发布保险合同准则。为便于准确把握我国金融工具及保险合同准则要点,从而更好地进行CAS与IFRS条款对比和检验,本书在《企业会计准则》和《国际财务报告准则》的基础上,对我国新会计准则体系中有关金融工具和保险合同的确认、计量、披露和列报的具体规定进行了全面的梳理,以丰富具体的实例全面、深入地分析和阐释了金融工具确认和计量、金融资产转移、套期保值、金融工具列报、原保险合同、再保险合同六份新准则。
本课题在原有发表在国际性的刊物《Chinese Business Review 》2006 No.5)的文章 “Cyber-Coordinating Mechanism and Strategic Management Accounting”、《CPC模式的网络化风险管理系统》 和《E-供需链下的财务实时监控》的基础上又有新的进展:
阶段性成果:《跨越企业边界的成本管理优化模型及其协同效应》( ( 已形成文章,待发表))
阶段性成果之一 :公共财务与政府会计的研究历程与趋势,南京审计学院学报2007(12),已发表
阶段性成果之二: 政府财务报告之分析方法,财会月刊(综合版)2007(9),已发表
阶段性成果之三: 关于公共部门建立成本会计的思考,预算管理与会计2007(7),已发表
阶段性成果之四 :国外公共部门管理会计研究 :借鉴与启示(已形成文章,待发表)
第一章  企业流程再造的理论综述与文献回顾
第二章 传统会计业务流程概述
第三章 网络技术对会计系统流程的影响
第四章 网络环境下会计系统流程现状透视 
第五章 基于价值法的会计系统流程的基本框架
第六章 基于事项法的会计系统流程的基本框架   
第七章  网络化下会计凭证的自动生成
第八章  再造后的会计系统流程的绩效评价
第九章  网络财务报告的理论与实务
第十章  XBRL对会计系统流程再造的重要作用
第十一章 会计系统流程控制理论回顾
第十二章  网络化条件下的会计系统流程控制
第十三章  网络化条件下会计舞弊的防范与侦察